Why does it take 4 weeks for a political agreeement on a directive to become public

On 29 January 2024, a political agreement on the revision of the Urban Waste Fraemwork Diorective was recahed.

The EP, Council and Commission then went back into technical meetings to clarify some technical matters (likely comitology).

Today,  1 March, 2024, CORPER signed off on the agreement.

And, since 30 January, the text of the agreement, the draft Dirctive, is not public.

There is someting amiss that the text of a soon to be adopted law can sit outside public gaze for 6 weeks.

I know there were press releases indicating the major changes but it is hard to understand what is holding people back from publishing the agreed text.

I guess we will have to wait for the text to be published by the EP for when they vote to validate the agreement on 11 March 2024.