What to do when your encounter the denial of reality

Denial of political reality is common in Brussels. There must be something in the foul air or a large political distortion force field covering the city.
If you don’t deny political reality, you may be surprised by the protestations of others. They see the sky outside as blue, you see clouds and hail storm. Don’t be surprised at the distortion of reality. It is normal.
I know people who think Brexit is going jolly well. Fuel and food shortages are a myth. The sun filled uplands are full of plenty.
People may be going through the stages of grief. They may be stuck at the start.
The only thing you can do is note that the Commission, EP and 27 member states don’t see things the same way do.
When people’s world view is so out of sync with political reality you are likely to encounter some raised eye brows when they press their case. The chasm between their world view and political reality will be too far to bridge. The chances of a building a bridge between Scotland and Ulster through Beaufort’s Dyke seem small in comparison.
Unfortunately, they don’t have the power to vote, so just get ready to when the votes are made.
The only thing you can do is wait for the distortion  of political reality to end, and get ready to act.