what does a winning coalition in the council look like

For a long time, the political complexion of Europe was conservative.

The majority of European countries were led by centre-right governments.

Today, that’s no longer the case.



The demise of Social Democrats announced too early

The press ran stories announcing the demise of social democrat parties.

Today, Europe is a kaleidoscope of a mishmash of progressive coalitions, social democrats, Christian democrats and nationalists. No one political tradition dominates.

If you dig deeper through the voting calculator and look at votes in the council you get to see this clear.

The death knell of social democracy is now rung less.


A Progressive Majority

If all the 9 social-democrat led governments were to vote against a proposal,  it is blocked – with 51% of the vote.

If progressive coalitions join, progressive liberals, greens, and anti-corruption parties – and they often do, they get to 15 countries with 75% of the vote.

If all conservative and nationalist governments join forces – they’ll 23% of the vote – and not be able to block a proposal.

All of Western Europe is led by social democrats or progressive coalitions.

If your gameplay is based on a conservative majority in the Member States, you are playing an out of date game.

You’ll need to adapt your language and ask to speak to a winning electoral block.


As elections are always happening in the 27 member states, a winning coalition today, may not work tomorrow.


There are many coalitions. Often the direction on EU votes is allotted to the minister in charge. And, their voting line may be different from the Prime minister.