So you want to lobby on chemicals – a rough primer

I’ve collected some of my posts about lobbying on chemicals.

The by-line would be ‘credible data, robust evidence, and step in very early’.

This collation is the start of a more extended writing project to systemise good practice in chemical lobbying.

My gut feeling is that good lobbying is like a well-run factory. If you have the right ingredients,  follow the right processes and steps, and draw on real-world experience, the activities you should take are like a well-honed checklist,  that will help you deliver the right outcome.


The document is divided into the following sections:

  1. Road maps on substance regulation. Yes, I think the process is vital.
  2. Scrutiny of secondary legislation. Something too many ignores, but it is essential.
  3. Some general posts about broader lobbying that are relevant for chemicals.
  4. Some broader political posts about chemical regulation.
summary on chemical lobbying to post