Second meeting of the Environment Committee 22-23 July 2019

The second meeting of the Environment Committee was on 22 July and 23 July.

The Finnish Presidency came to present their agenda. You can read or watch the exchange below.

  • Mr Jari Leppä, Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Ms Krista Mikkonen, Finnish Minister of Environment and Climate Change
  • Ms Krista Kiuru, Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services
  •  Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, on Sustainable Development Goals

Mon, 22 Jul 2019 15:00 – 16:30

Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme 

Exchange of views with Mr Jari Leppä, Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry





Copyright European Parliament (2019)



So I invite you Teo, back to your seats. Okay, So it’s my pleasure to start the first meeting off the and the committee. And we will start with the exchange of views with Mr Minister Lipa, Minister for Agriculture and Forestry. It’s a pleasure to have you here in Brussels today way have one hour and thirty minutes together. So in order to make sure that a ll the MP piece which would like would like Tio have the floor, we’ll be able to do so. I will be quite tough on time. Restriction eso after the minutes are located. And you know that two minutes for coordinators and one minute for the other m E P s. I will be forced to invite you to stop and give the floor for other questions off for the answers. So I will not hesitate to be the timekeeper. So, Mr Minister, you have ten to twelve minutes to start with, and then you will have to other opportunities to answer the questions right by the hippies. Thank you. Thank you. I always up Mr Chairman, distinguished members of the committee or the environment, poor public health and food safety. Ladies and gentleman. It’s a great pleasure to be the first minister to be hurt by the committee’s off the new parliament. The parliament’s role as the representative off all you citizens is a very important one on the parliament’s work. US a defender of common European values merits thanks. This hearing is an important opportunity to have an exchange of views between the institute says. I would once again like to thank you for your election to the European Parliament on to this committee. This committee plays an important role and I follow with great interest how you get to start your work. The Finnish presidency has lasted for three weeks already. I’m very pleased to be able to tell you about the policies and priorities off our presidency on DH to reply to any questions you might have. Many things have changed since our last presidencies. The role of the European Parliament with the Lisbon Treaty has been strengthened, Aunt. Also, the role of the presidency has changed. Now they European Council on the External Action Service have their own representatives foresters. Our priorities during our current presidency include combating climate change, promoting the use, common fundamental values and the rule of law. Strengthening security on DH. Strengthening a socially coherent union. We have a large legislative files to deal with. In the months to come, we seek to find a solution to the multi annual financial framework, which is one of the most important files during our presidency. We will also try to reach an agreement on the long term climate strategy for the U. I consider it important that the you act with determination to reach the Paris goals so that global warming will be restricted to one point five degrees in the you. This means that we achieve zero net emissions by twenty fifty during our presidency. We’re also going to work on on the biodiversity loss to slow it down. It’s very important that the EU and its member states continue their active commitment to the preparation process off the post twenty twenty International bio diversity framework in the Agriculture and Fisheries Council. A central theme will be the CHP. Reform on DH will strive to make as much progress as possible to reach a common position in the counsellor, the C A P reform off course is closely connected to the progress in the FF negotiations. In addition, the informal agree meeting in Helsinki in in September will focus on the issue of soil carbon sequestration in farming. This is an important theme when we think about her, farmers can contribute to climate action. As for fisheries, we seek to achieve a general approach on those parts which are still open in the proposal of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund during the fall. We’re also going to take positions on the total allowed catches. Hey C is for the next year as the president off the council. Our activities are guided by the principles of openness, good governance and sustainable meeting practises. For instance, instead of giving concrete presidency gift, we are going to officer thie emissions caused by flying to meetings. The amount for offsetting emissions is half a million euros on. We used this money to find four of compensation projects in Honduras, Vietnam, Uganda and Laos. Ladies and gentlemen, it is important to recognise that modern problems are our cross sectoral. They are linked to several sectors on DH, therefore, to narrow sector specific solutions mainly to difficult consequences in other sectors. This is why tackling these problems requires brought interdisciplinary on inter institutional cooperation. Also, the agriculture and fisheries policies have to be in line with other policies. Next, I would like to take up some priorities which fall under your committee’s competence is on dawn, which we would like to make progress during our presidency. First of all, the CHP reform, like I said, we seek to make us much brokers as possible with the cap reform. If the M F F moves forward, then we’ll try to form a general agreement in council. I’m very pleased to see that member states have shown in the council that they are committed to higher ambitions in climate and environmental questions. Healthy environment on climate and sustainably managed natural resources are a prerequisite for life and they also vital for agricultural production. The new architecture will increase obligatory environmental measures on. In relation to this. It will give the member states a possibility to drew up national environmental measures under under the first and second pillar. Negotiations, however, are still ongoing. As the president in office, I want to ensure that the new degree in architecture takes into account member states and regions different needs on DH conditions. This is how we get such environmental and climate action actions on measures which are effective exactly there where they are taken. Funding on objectives need to be in balance, then a couple of words about forests. One thing that I would like to draw your attention to is the global deforestation. Global deforestation is progressing at an alarming speed and we need to act quickly to curb it. And when we talk about deforestation, we need to see the big picture because sustainable solutions require all sectors to be observed to prevent deforestation and to promote afforestation, we need sustainable forest management on forest protection. We also need to restore damaged what forests. At the moment we are awaiting a communication from from the commission on this issue. During our presidency, we are ready to promote the implementation of miseries to prevent deforestation. Then, if you were say about medical sewer about a month ago ago, we reached a political agreement on the trade deal between the European Union on DH America. Sure, this is a very significant trade agreement. Reaching such a result in the current political situation is not self evident. the implications of the agreement. Of course, Raissi’s raised concerns regarding both agricultural products and sustainability issues, and I understand this. These worries ended. I considered it important that the Americans are agreement contains a chapter on sustainable development. Also, the Paris agreement on the precautionary principle are included in the agreement and this is important. We have to see to it that when the agreement is implemented, ah, the principles ofthe sustainable development are observed on conditions for trade are created that satisfy both parties in America, sir. Just like another Internet, just like in any other international trade agreements, the safety closest there to guarantee consumers trust in food safety. Also, the use animal and plant health situation must be compromised. In last week’s agriculture, we heard the commission’s communication on long distance animal transports, especially during the hot summer months. Live animals are transported long distances outside the union, often into high temperatures which eye simply above acceptable limits and often into tightly loaded containers. Such conditions conditions do not me today’s requirements. I take these problems very seriously, and it’s good that the commission took this issue up last week. Once again, it’s also a question about consumer protection. The consumers should have certainty that the whole production chain it’s a responsible one on that animal wellbeing is observed throughout the chain. This should also go for those animals who end up outside the European Union. Last but not least, I would like to say if he weren’t about the antimicrobial resistance. This is an extremely serious global threat to human and animal health. It’s also a threat for future for food safety and the environment. At this juncture, I would like to thank the parliament for your active work against antimicrobial am. Are the competition off? Your computer may have changed, but the issue is still topical. The U has recently adopted a regulation on veterinary medicines, which prohibits the use ofthe antibiotics as growth promoters as well as a CZ there. Prophylactic use or they use for a mass medication to curb the spread of antimicrobial resistance is of utmost importance so that current anti my antimicrobial medicines won’t lose their efficacy. The need for on the EU’s off antibiotics could be effectively reduced by investing in animal health and well being. They’re used must be well grounded on controlled on DH. They should not replace good production measures on good conduct. In general, a strong determination by different actors and administrators is called for. I’m pleased to see that cooperation under the theme ofthe health is functioning and fruitful fighting. The M R requires global cooperation on it is important that the EU be in the front line and show the direction in different international Thora distinguished members of the committee chairman. Given these multi faceted problems, I have mentioned my core task because the chair off the Angry and Fisheries Council is to ensure the safety of food food security. I believe that we can attain attained the best end results if we also take comprehensively into account the sustainability off our institutions and act in cooperation with different sectors and institutions. I hope that you’re in our presidency. We can make progress with these priorities on our agenda which are important for our citizens while keeping up a good spirit off cooperation. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Thank you very much, Mr Minister. So, um, coming off hot topics like the macro sue all the c A, p or other other ones, we will have the opportunity to ah have exchange of views with three ministers from the presidency today and tomorrow. So it will give us the food’s Cup off the priority of the presidency, and it’s very important that we all have that in mind. So it’s very meaningful that we spent a couple off the first exchange of views altogether with the Finnish presidency. Because when we hear your prime minister in Strasbourg and we hear you today, then off course, the climate goals are at the forefront off them. You mentioned the university as well, so I think we might find very good feeling here in this advise in this in this committee when we look at your priorities. So questions now from the coordinators or their representatives chosen by the political groups. So just as a reminder for the rule because it’s the first formal meeting, each coordinator has two minutes for questions, questions Sari. And then, after the first round off coordinators, we will give you back on the floor for the answers. So let’s start with the PP and Jessica Pope yard. Thank you chair and the key tos. Mr. Minister left for your statement on your priorities during your coming presidency. Both Finland and Sweden have a long history of sustainable and active forest management. It is something I’m sure that we are both proud off we have. We have to share the understanding that an active forest management will help us in achieving or climate goals. Because there is no doubt forests are very important for the climate. Well managed forest that grow bind carbon dioxide on wood based products continue to store carbon dioxide throughout their their lifetime. By replacing products of coal and oil with products from sustainable used forests, we’re moving towards the bio bio economy that lowers the emissions. I would therefore like to ask you what you will do to safeguard the national competence on forestry during a presidency. And how will you promote this sustainable industry? Thank you once again and I’m looking forward to a beneficial cooperation and wish you all the luck for your upcoming work. Thank you. Timewise. You said Very good bar. So the coordinators from the search of his group Crystal shadowed Moses Actually, yeah, Biljana attained dense thank you very much. I’m going to choose to speak Danish since I have the opportunity. First of all I’d like is welcome here to the parliament on behalf of S and D. Can I thank you for prioritising climate and sustainability in your presidency? These two things are very important and I think we can get some excellent cooperation with each other. As you may know in the Finnish presidency that during the last of term of office of the Parliament we had a committee which focused on just off transparency for the approval procedure pesticides used in agriculture. I know it’s not up to the presidency to present your legislation, but nevertheless, I would like to know whether the Finnish presidency recognises that there is a lack of independence in the way we approve pesticides in the U. N. If you do agree with that, would you be prepared to help ensure that ifs on the chemical agency and other agencies have more funding s so that they can carry out their own funding taking her at their own studies so we can rely on the results they come up with? So that’s one question. The second question is on forestry. I think that’s sustainable. Forestry is part of the solution to the way we deal with the climate challenges, but what will you in the presidency do to ensure that the member states actually comply with the rules we’ve already adopted? There are countries which import illegal lumber into you. What you’re going to do to make sure that our lumber legislation is complied with. And generally speaking, what are you going to do as presidency country to ensure that the legislation we have in place is actually complied with? But I probably to working with you. And we’re very pleased with your priorities. Thank you. Cool. Oh, thank you very much. So we moved Teo, the renewed group. You still have us. You don’t set up where you thank you. I’d like to welcome minister. Left toe are jolly company. Of course. My coat. The debate. Wolves or cormorant. So called today because in thirty three minutes, they total called Band will start in the Baltic Sea. Even though there is one strain or one Fish cod fisheries in the south of the island islands which is in good shape on I would have expected Mr Lepper toe really defend, uh, fissures in the Olin Islands in this regard. But this had happened, but I don’t want to waste time on questions of really reflect the tug of war in Finland. I’ll move on with had interesting experiences in the past about the possibility of agriculture to work as a good carbon Sechrest rating. Carbon on This has not always gone hand to hand with traditional agriculture. So I’d be interested to hear what Finland will do in regard to see AP so that both sustainable carbon storing Sechrest rating way off doing agriculture would be a priority during a time when Finland is in charge of the negotiations at the end of the Finnish presidency. Thank you in the shadow for the greens. Messi. Mr Minister, Thank you Minister, for coming along here today. I’m speaking behalf off my coordinator, who I’m sure would have liked to talk to you about forestry in Finland and the impact on European climate legislation. But he’s asked me to take the floor to take up a couple of points you mentioned you mentioned, said the commission’s communication on deforestation, which could include a paragraph on important deforestation. As you know, there are thousands off a of Hector’s that disappear every year because ofthe are important deforestation. Palm oil, um, soya beef, etcetera How do you feel about this? Are you in favour ofthe interest? Introducing into European legislation something binding about the strategies of companies and how companies behave when it comes to whether or not they participate in deforestation? We’ve been able to do this with minerals, and it’s high time we did it with the supply chain of full forestry on DH cultural products. So are you in favour ofthe binding legislation on the supply chain? And then you mentioned Mercosur. I understand your argument, Minister. You’re saying that there’s a chapter on sustainable development in the agreement, and that’s what solve everything. But the problem is that the sustainable development chapter it’s not going to solve anything. There’s no sanction. Andi, I don’t think I know a single agreement where we’ve actually implemented the sustainable development chapter. You know that deforestation is speeding up in, but in first you know that’s Nora’s policies has made much worse. So the whole of Amazonia is in danger now, given that do you want to balance no carbon and greenhouse gas emissions? Are you going to do something to make sure that there’s a serial deforestation in Amazonia group to vote? I get mine in out of those who had in years German distinguished Minister I would like to thank you. Thank you for taking up the issue off forestry. Finland has bean investing in forestry and forest management. For hundred years now, the forests have been growing more than ever and also the carbon sink is growing. In the central Finland, almost all forests have bean slashed and burned, but by your diversity has been maintained in the forests have grown again every time. Now people say that clear feelings should make it should be done. This isthe nonsense. Canada is the second largest country or the conifer zone, but they don’t have any carbon sinks. When forests are not managed, they will not become carbon sinks. Forestry Forest industry is a matter ofthe life and death in violent. We have the sufficient know how the sufficient technology for it. It is self sustained. We it’s not dependent on imports like other branches off industry. Like it like like metal industry. In addition to this, it’s produce ease renewable energy in the form off electricity more than it needs. But now we are living a boom in forestry. The forest forest use is at its maximum on DH. We we use about seventy million cubicles ofthe woods a year, in other words, only about seventy percent off the annual growth for ah forest industry. It is a question of life and death that forest sinks will not be harnessed as storages of fossil emissions Has the minister taking this into account. Thank you. Thank you for this year. Oh, yes, God, Yes, them. I’m sitting here. The teacher, Mr Minister, dear colleagues have listed have listened to your ambition, goal, ambitious goals. But it’s going to be a difficult, tough time because we’re going to negotiate a budget on the budget. Has not yet being adopted. It has Bean who’s solely presented on the budget. Is the budget off vanishing means for C AP, and they have bean very serious. Katz performed in the agricultural policy. So I’m wondering how you are going to negotiate with the European Commission and with different member states because the European Commission is going to be constituted soon. And I guess you will try Teo, get more means more money for common agricultural policy. And my second question is, how are you going to fight inequalities because I think all farmers should get the same type of money on DH. Thirdly, bureaucracy and fighter were for bureaucracy how to cut red tape. So how to make the bottle next disappear, especially in the first pillar. The European Union has been struggling with it, and I think it merits your attention. You also mentioned Mercosur while you were talking about countries that associated with in this institution. But I guess you will soon hear information from farmers because we’ve been hearing news from our farmers and use all rather worries about the food safety because that we have a very ambitious, very tough food safety standards on DH. Mercosur is lagging far behind on DH s. Oh, my question is you We have signed the agreement. What next? I think we have to be very severe. We have to be very tough to respect us than food safety standards. And my last point. Of course you are a beacon. You’re a shining example how to do a forest management. But I’m wondering, are you going to prepare a tool kit or some set of means? How this’s could be may be implemented elsewhere as well. Thank you for the great cvm. A gig. Thank you, Chad. Ah, Mr Lepper, I’m very pleased that Finland has raised climate change. Is that priority in its present? A problem on the like to raise the profile of the EU as a global clumped leader? You mentioned agriculture in your speech on. That’s something that’s not debated enough in this regard. We always talk about the importance of cutting emissions, but it’s equally important to strengthen carbon sinks, and agriculture offers a huge opportunity. Two second straight carbon. How can we make fails into carbon things? And I’d like to hear what concrete proposals have. Do you have to a farmer’s? How can we make agriculture more environmental assistant sustainable, unkind climate sustainable in sepia reform? And then a further question about carbon sinks and many finish experts said that we pretty’s too much wood on that. We cannot act ask couple of things. Should we strengthen existing couple things? If the carbon things of forests are reduced, no way of Secretary in Carbon will help on DH because there’s no path as short as that of forests. How will the sustainable use of forest resources be evident in the finished programme on How can we put a stop to the deterioration of biological diversity, which is also important from the point of your forest management. Thank you. Thank you so much. Mr Minister. You have ah, around fifteen minutes. Teo unsettle the set off questions that a boy off Get up, Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your numerous difficult questions. I am going to try to reply to what I have heard. I’ll begin with forestry because many of you talked about for us. The most important thing is the sustainability of forests. This includes good forest management. I also management. I also refer to it. It’s important that the forests grow more than they are used. This is something I also know from my own experience. Because I am I own forests. Ah, I I’m a farmer on my family has been working on on that that area for for four hundred eighty years, four hundred and eighty years. And in all those years we have considered it important to take care off this environment so that the next generation would have it even betterthan weeded. This is the most important viewpoint. Um, for us the second important question pertains to deforestation. We have to curb deforestation. You gave me good good advice on how we could oblige our trade partners to behave well, this is really important. And I want to I want to make progress on this during our presidency. How can we do this? Finland has always believed in a rules based cooperation on this is our guiding principle also. Now it has to do with the forestry it has to do with by your economy. And somebody asked how we can ensure that Hmm. We can guarantee the industry’s competent activity. I think part of our industry will be based on bio economy, and it means that it has to adopt new technologies. To make new investments on these investments mean that industry can produce products in an environmentally friendly way. On that, we get new products that we can replace the fossil raw materials in the future. This is something we all have to do. This is clear, this clear of stay light. This has to happen in Europe. But the European Union has Teo, make sure that this will also happen in the international trade. Um, em if if we heard many questions on em. If if it is clear that our higher ambitions in climate on DH environmental issues means that we need more money, more funding on the requirement on DH, the funding have to go hand in hand. This is why we want to cooperate with the commission and the member states. So that way we bring about a situation which is fair between the member states on DH. We also need to see to it that the pillars that we have at our disposal, ah, work in line with our objectives on the commission’s communication on the new on the zero p reform is very good. It includes many elements which help us attain new goals. But it also helps us simplify many things. And this is really important for Finland. It’s important that we can simplify things on. This also means that we have new near means off. You’re acting digitalisation is something which is new and what it will help us also in controls and we’re going to work on that field. The role ofthe agriculture in the global system is huge. The most important task off agriculture is to produce food security and food has to be produced sustainably so that we can maintain by your diversity on DH. It has to be. The process has to be balanced. What this means. It means new farming technologies. It means that we have to resort to the latest resource research on the’s results off Results of the latest research have to be deployed all over Europe on this is how we can strengthen our competent competitiveness Vizzavi to other economic zones. This is really important. This also has to do with the question off what we cultivate and how we cultivate. We have a lot to do still on DH. This’s why the informal agree on Fisheries Council in Helsinki in the autumn will be focused on how we can bind Mohr carbon in the soil. How at the same time, we can improve growth on Yeah, this is how we also we can also get new environmental and climate benefits. This is a multiplicity to question, but we want to succeed in it. Soil sequestration. Carbon sequestration is of utmost importance on. It’s important that we also do more resource research. We know more what happens on the surface, off the soil thang what happens inside the soil and we have to study these matters more on. You also made a question on the situation in the old and islands on DH. You asked about the situation off court. Well, the court situation has degenerated, but in some party it is also in a good condition and we are discussing this with the commission. It’s important that the commission also has scientific advice and information on how fish stocks develop and off course. The situations are different in different places and we have to observe these differences then about fisheries, Asai said. The scientific advice is something we are going to act on as a presidency. We want sustainable fisheries, sustainable fish stocks on DH. We always have to look beyond tomorrow or today and here. Of course, the commission has a lot of competence is actually about America. Sure, this is a very challenging agreement. Just a few days before the Angry and Fisheries Council that we received, uh, this document Ah, and off course, every member state will make their own evaluations on how this thing agreement will if what kind of effect this street will have on agriculture and so on and this process will take some time. And of course there are many question marks. That’s clear, but we will have to find to these question marks that is also clear on. Of course, we want to cooperate with the Parliament and the commission, especially off course with the commission, because commission has has significant powers in these matters. We want to go through all the questions carefully on after careful negotiations, the we can take decisions on. Ofcourse, I understand your worries. I understand. I understand them very well. Here too. The Paris agreement has to be abided by. We have to keep Paris in mind. Also here, I also heard a question about pesticides. It’s important, Teo, I understand that one off the Kohler stones off the C A P reform relates Tio by a service of biodiversity on DH. These covers all aspect also pollinators on. It is very important that we see to it that insects also feel good on their way have to take care of pollinators because this has a great significance on agriculture and of course, the new C. AP contains many tools with which the member states can take care ofthe biodiversity on DH. There are many indicators to follow that work. But off course, this work is still ongoing. Uh, green architecture, This eyes closely linked to the AP Reform. Uh, we already had a long discussion of very good discussion on that question. In our first agree on Fisheries Council on DH. This gives us possibilities to make the necessary reforms and it gives flexibility to member states. The member states can take into account the natural constraints on different conditions which we cannot do anything about. Andi, I think what commission proposes is well grounded. One example and I know how how things are taken care of in Finland. So you here and as a farmer, I can also say this, um, through the second pillar in Finland, we have introduced strong incentives on this is how we have gotten almost ninety percent of farmers to commit to these solutions. And this shows that we need tailor made solutions so that we can reach the overarching goals we have to take into account the local conditions, the local challenges. And this is one of our priorities. Something that way need Teo. Remember at all times, and to finish with a couple of words about pesticides. The authorisation process is FC off course is our tool in this. FC needs enough funding for their risk evaluation work. They do a lot of important work. ITT’s very important work, and it is the basis for our risk management decisions on a PSA presidency. We want to make sure that the FSA will have what it needs to do its work because if it does indeed very important scientific for work. Thank you, thank you very much. So we are now entering the second round off questions there will be it will be divided in two parts. So we have thirteen me peace seven first and then again, some space for answers and then six additional. Otherwise, you will get her set off thirteen questions, which is the best way not to answer them. So as we really want you to answer the questions, we split into two parts like you did for the for the first round. So we start with Alexander Ben Harbour for the E P. Yes. Second, therefore sits in the second time in East Lansing Bank video chair Emmy pees on a real minister. Thank you. for explaining your ambitious programme. You come from an agricultural area, your farm yourself. You’ve mentioned the protection of biodiversity. I’d like to hear a bit more about the, uh, Habitat directive. Since nineteen ninety two, the habitats directive hasn’t been altered, but there have been many problems in recent years as regards the living together off farmers on DH some species. Let me give you an example. The fish otter is protected very closely under the habitats directive, and it has spread in too many parts of Europe. Now, however, this animal is in many rivers and it’s no longer important. It’s no longer possible for this species to live with others. The same is true of the wolf. There are now several thousand wolves in Europe. Seventeen thousand wolves make up the world’s population on this effects farming in the Alpine regions particularly. Do you think there is any possibility to amend the habitats directive during your presidency? Or to at least look at the matter? Thank you. Thank you. We really ask you to stick to the one minutes for a question. Mr. Chilled for us. Andy. They get their minister. Parliament Minister. The Austrian Parliament decided decided that life is it would be banned from the first of January twenty twenty. That was wide support for the ban on glyphosate in the population. But now there should be further measures on environmental poisons on DH. The attempt to find alternatives, alternatives that could be put positive for farming and consumers alike. I have a question to you. What will you do on R and D to try to come up with alternatives to conventional pesticides? Thank you. Thank you, Martino. Sixfour. Renew. Thank you, Mr Czech family, sir. The Capri for cup is about the climate. The cap is about about diversity. The cap is about chemicals, but also about animal welfare. And this number of people spoke about the carbon things. I won’t touch it again. I want to ask about the other issue which is very close links with the greenhouse gas emissions coming from the cabin. That’s the factory farming, especially of animals. And I wonder how the Finnish presidency, in the work on the upcoming Capra phone would like to address it because also linked closely with the deforestation in Amazon. So is there something that the Finnish president would like to look at specifically visa with the animal welfare and the overall amount off animals farm. That’s one question. The other question is on the forests. So I’m very happy to hear words about the forestry and the sustainable forestry. But sadly, what is a challenge not only abroad but also within the European Union, including my home country. Easy the forestation in highly protected areas, including that of a two thousand areas. Is there something that the Finnish presidency would like to push forward in terms ofthe better implement a better enforcement and protection off Natore two thousand areas. Thank you to Kristin Standard for the VP. Yeah, I mean in Dunkirk, was it? Thank you, Chair Minister. Many questions on the C A. P have already been put to you. And what kind of common approach can we find to the common agricultural policy? I agree with you. We can only maintain biodiversity if we have a way of working together with farmers and land managers. Can you give us some specific details about the council position on the conference next year in China, where there should be a nature protection of agreement next year, and then how will we in Europe become leaders in the maintenance of biodiversity. Then I have a question about the Merkel saw agreement under the chapter on health and plants there. You’re supposed to ensure consumer protection. How are you going to maintain you standards on? Then how will you actually carry out cheques on whether these standards are being complied with? Thank you. Thank you. Says that way now. Thank you. Si senora Ministry. Thank you, Minister. You talked about the same P and the multi annual financial free work. I must put it. You don’t think we should be cutting the funding? The position ofthe commission seems to be heading in that direction. So what we need is simplification and more flexibility or well and good. But if you don’t mind my saying so, I would be glad to see you defending the case in the council that the funds in this AP, given their importance, should not be touched. Secondly, on the farming and forestry sector could you spend out some specific measures in greater detail to build up farming and forest trees, contribution to fighting the climate crisis, and also in relation to the point you mentioned regarding the department off the bio. Comey. Thirdly, Marcus or protected geographical origins off there in the draught agreement. But I’d be glad to see you continue to defend them. Aunt, please once again defend CPP funds in the council. Thank you, Marty. No sleep for the greens. I mean, is the appeal of former minister you mentioned to see appear form? Do you think it’s good that two thirds of CHP funds is based on area payments without any conditions? Shouldn’t we up end the system? The farmer should be paid based on what he does for the environment. I think the C A P reform is not an ambitious one. The environmental measures in the new C a p a voluntary. How is that going to combat biodiversity loss? You also mentioned thie second pillar, where there’s going to be a thirty percent cut. Well, I asked you think we need more money in the second pillar? We need more money for organic farming. You know that in twenty twenty one, the new regulation on organic farming will come into force. Then there’s the issue of biodiversity. And then the last question is Chris Bacchus has been classified as GM technology by the CG. Why do you the commission and the Council not prevent the import off these substances? Why don’t you regulate the imports of these substances Clearly. Thank you. Thank you. Marry Maria. Spare key for tpp I think it’s become minister in this house. Well, I would like to assist on three topics that we have already mentioned, but I think that we need maybe kind off for for information to start with the funding off course in the fine milk off addressing our climate goes given that the transition from a ground based funding model is permanent, we need to address the issue of additional funding King now R c A p. So you know that the baby has recently announced the launch of the loans packets of nearly one billion for agriculture in bio economy. But I would like to ask you how many off our farmers are going to take the advance off this kind of lawns. Second lease Risky. Lincoln Skilling car farmers allow me to give you an example in grace on Lee, seven percent off our farmers. It’s killing on their jobs. And of course it is very low lower than the evidence that we have in the you. What’s your panel? Skilling Car farmers in the framework, Of course. Off Addressing our climate teases you and said, is the question of protecting car, not or capital by encouraging member states. Do you have a plant? Do you have a kind of motivation in order to stuck implementing our power plants? The member states Thank you in six years before, thank you very much for this first round off questions. So one minute to answer, and then it was back to the second round. Get up, boy, That’s your child. Thank you very much for these excellent questions. Oh, it’s getting tougher and tougher, isn’t it? There were a couple of questions that fall under the portfolio of other ministers. There was a question of habit directive. It’s true. That is an old directive, but it’s falls under the portfolio of the environment Minister on that our environment is that will address this question. I’m sure it’s clear that when thie environment changes natural stocks and the situation, various species changes, things change, and it’s good to re value things. On the implementation of decisions in no to two thousand areas, that also belongs to the environment, Mr. But as regards Finland, that starting point is that that practise instead of under we must observe agreements. What we’ve had redone, we must implement whatever the subject. That’s the way we carry on business in Finland. And that’s how we will carry on during our presidency. Moving on to the glyph a set. I do agree that we need alternative pesticides and we must develop new safe pesticides. And we have new technologies. Agricultural pesticides are needed the most. Well, come on. These are topics that we will promote and further. That’s obvious one detail on glyphosate, which has to do with the way it’s used on this or some other pesticides as well. It’s not only that we use a pesticide, it’s how we use pesticides and their differences here on where wake come back to technical matters and different techniques and technologies and the differing impacts of this techniques and technologies on the environment and that’s important to us. Animal welfare was taken up several times by various Emmy pees. It’s a big thing we must take that whether we’re talking about Marcus are the export of live animals or raising animals, animal husbandry. We must respect animals on animal welfare. That’s our starting point. And if this doesn’t happen, we must take action. Andi, I’m reiterating that practise and serve under and rules must be respected and we must demand others to do so on then. Coming back to Marcus Oooh on DH things that it may involve. There are this safety classes and which must pay observed, ah, safety clothes on antimicrobial resistance as well. On it was a question on and to my tribe bill medicines. So I, um I in favour of using them in preventive sense? No, I’m against that on Microbial medication is used for treating illnesses. They are not preventive measure to prevent Phyllis is we must take off animal welfare and other related topics. Otherwise we end up in a situation when antimicrobial substances no longer work. And that’s very worrying for us on DH. Then it’s very important that at into microbe substances and resistance came up. It’s very important on DH then moving on, consumers want to know what their products are made of. What are the processes and procedures behind them and antimicrobial resistance is part of it. Ah, sapien ambition. I believe that the safe is an ambitious policy. So as regards, um, ambitions off sappy in relation to environmental, I do believe that the ambition is there on day we were promoting and furthering a common agricultural policy we must stick to our ambition on. I say for the third time that we must see to that when we increase ambitions, we must not reduce funding. Ambition and funding must go hand in hand. That must be a balance there. I’ve said this once. I’ve said it several times. I’ve said before the Finnish presidency. I’m saying now I didn’t know that who it was, who said But you said I hope that to defend the funding off the C A P, I assure you that I will defend the funding off common agricultural policy. I will. We have spanking new finish government or policy and being stated that it’s part of our police on then point on having more finding mechanisms, ones what that would reach farmers on that would address the situation off various conditions. It’s important to have differing sources of funding and we’re looking at that on the need to increase the skills off Martha’s well. Oh, absolutely. As I’m looking in the mirror, I’m wearing the hat of a farmer. Now, if you don’t maintain your skills if you’re not looking for new ways to work, if you don’t have anything really sing trying to find out which way the wind blows, then things go wrong. We must ensure that people in agriculture have the skills they need. I’m very, very happy about the skill set off young farmers. I met ten farmers in Finland but abroad as well on DH, they have very good touch to farming. And our job is to ensure that they believe in the future that they maintained their belief in the future that they are the the produce foot food for us in the future. On that win, sure. Food security. Throw them on. That’s why investing in skills, research, training education are very important. Thank you. I guess so. We switch to every country from the S and P. We missed. It seems Thank you, Chairman. Thank you for joining us men, is it? I must admit I’m rather worried. From what you’ve told us, you said first form you reprint presenting at the punt those expense when you will be debating this AP and its reform Well, regarding the CP on but it all the farming ministers saying we must keep the budget, but we’ve got fifteen percent and twenty seven percent for all occasions. So what’s the leverage of it? Can you have for regional development were worried seeing the figures we’ve seen of the impact of these cuts. So welcome to the struggle for the, uh, um, French remaining. But it you’re telling us that on the strategy, everything’s going fine. Well, having watched the council work of that since, I have the impression that everything has ground to a halt, Parliament’s recommendations on those of this committee are simply not being born in mind for the climate by diverse team for human health, food security. We need this c ap involved. So the attention spans are just not up to scratch. Are you envisaging revisiting the existing model sapi, or are you just going to carry on in green ahs? You go along with the persons that are simply out of kilter with importance of this ap Yes, a railroad progress Primeau’s from we knew and Bienvenido meaning welcome, Minister, I want to speak very briefly on the CPI to know it’s true that this is an ambitious reform in so far as the pursuit off the Paris goals on DH Thie twenty thirty attended would be built into the CPI reform. That greater flexibility in achieving these. But you’ll forgive me if I sound someone concerned regarding flexibility with the national strategic plans, possibly leading to a degree of renationalisation off what is basically under mentally a community policy. It’s a lot of harmonisation in the adoption, managing an assessment ofthe common standards within these national strategic plans. Another concern on top off the tradition in Amiens applying to greening. What about farmers? Who wants to after that voluntarily? What these games have to be compulsory, Don’t you think the gender perspective needs to be built into proposals to allow for women? Farmers do what become part of the working world in rural areas on the basis of equality. Oh, well, you have been you for you did Mr Minister Machiko, Leg Minister Comics The Finnish presidency’s programme for the next six months believes question marks in our mind. Over the past, we followed. We’re being told that this is also consent to the European economy. But consumers are calling for a more local approach, particularly for the purposes of traceability, on health concerns. The terrible etc. To treaty, for example, means that animal could be introduced into the you market containing substances have been found here for many years. So in place of certain substances used in intensive farming, Finland was on the countries that was in favour of keeping glasses not authorised. Twenty twenty two. We need to search for alternatives which will not cause cancer for farmers free of pressure from the lobby which France has decided to plan this substance quickly. So are you had to join the countries who have committed themselves to that course. We give the photo under as a camp for the great Yeah, Duncan forces. Thank you, Chairman. Minister, I’d like to thank you compliment you on the fact that last week during the agriculture Counsel you did facilitate a debate regarding unacceptable transport. Home was during the summer months. Millions off animals are being transported over long distances even when the temperature exceeds forty degrees. A week and a half ago, I myself George, a ship leaving a Romanian port with seventy thousand animals on board for days. They were left there, too. Significant violence. They’re heading for Kuwait and they’re likely only to have their own second of always a question of civilisation that we bring an end to live animal exports. And I would be glad to hear from the minister who you in envisage redoubling your efforts to stop exports. These countries Would you agree, for example, to discuss this with Romanian colleague and asked the commission to open infringement proceedings? Thank you. We give the floor again. Human values cowboys here It’s your second round. Thank you very much, Minister. I wanted to be very disciplined and I wanted to be within time limit Esso. I left out one question that I wanted to ask you when we talk about forestry on DH about renewable energy, climate protection, when we have to remember that we have to prevent a situation, um, which happens in one big member states way. We have enormous the forestation going on trees are being felled to instal windfarms. ITT’s beggars belief. Of course you could find other areas. So where, when farms could be placed without the necessity, Teo fell trees and Tio endanger habit. It’s so maybe when we are going to discuss Forestry Way are going to talk about how to protect forests, how to go towards zero carbon and excite a mission. Then maybe we could also talk about situations like those and the last question by their own o. R a. V for known as Chri. Get out, said President. Thank you, Chairman. Good afternoon, Minister. Earlier on you mentioned antibiotic resistance. I’d like to return to that issue because this phenomenon has now quite a huge scale. More than thirty three thousand people are dying in Europe because of antibiotic resistance, and projections of the future are far from reassuring. People are talking about as many as ten million people infected by twenty fifty on a great deal of the responsibility for this phenomenon can be laid at the door of intensive farming and the abuse of antibiotics. Intensive farming also causes huge greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere as well as polluting water and soil. And it’s also led to a lot of bio diversity and like ten million hours of being caged in Europe, unable to move naturally, that quote he must be brought to an end. There’s a mission. A European citizensinitiative with one point two million signatures. A huge coalition, the largest circulation off in one metalist associations across Europe who are looking to you to listen to the voice of a certain isn’t it Now the time to move away from this intensive farming model, which has created all this damage on DH, moved to a more positive model. What you’re going to do, write all that. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Sof answers for ten minutes from the minister. It looks up, boy. Thank you, champ. Thank you again for the questions. I’ll take them roughly in the order they were asked as to funding. There were still many questions about that, and that’s a good thing because it’s a crucial ensue for come on policies, co Haitian is essential for us. I will step to cause cohesion. I could satay as well. That funding is very important for the culture ministers in relation to the CHP, but decisions will be made by heads of government eventually. More generally, I could say that ambitious environmental and climate pose it requires sufficient foundations. Funding has said, in particular cuts to the second pillar on agriculture. That that cuts that have been proposed are very difficult for us on, I reiterate, because this is essential. That must be a balance between the ambition that we express and the funding that way offer on filler works for balance Here assed rule of development cohesion is important as well a sustainable income levels for farmers on. Moreover, we need a system that simple both from the perspective off agriculture as well as the management side. We need flexibility That’s clear on again. General speaking Finland sticks to have a more ambitious A Contra posts it on conditionality is essential. That’s create a foundation for cohesive and cultural policy. Ah, we would expand them out, required mints that we set agriculture, never less flexibility helps us have climate actions that are suitable for local conditions. But this doesn’t mean renationalisation. We have common funding, common rules. But we can do all this in a bit. A more clever way on. If you can do that, it would be an improvement. We’re looking for such improvements here as to animal welfare and long transport. It is a major problem. I take it seriously, and as I stated in my opening remarks. They shortcomings that we have observed served in long animal transport. They are not. On this day and age, the consumers must be reassured. They must know that the conditions are right in the whole production chain. We’re looking at third countries here too. Finland will monitor the situation as on. We will have discussions on this in veteran Chiefs negotiations and last week we already met this point clear European for these are the high quality on. That’s why because the USPS Treaty we are monitoring protest from third countries on the precautionary principle and public health are criteria which can be used to take products from the market. And we must. I have this in mind. That’s what where we’ve acted, that’s the way we must act. I’m coming back, too. Deforestation on speaker rightly pointed out. First I using for content in the construction industry, and that’s why it’s important that those areas that can be reforested well, very forested so the poorest will be regenerated. The finished principal, the one that we have had for one hundred years now is that there’s an obligation that when you log on to use a forest for economic purposes. You must see to that new forest will be regenerated, that there is a reforestation. That’s the basic forest, the law that we have. And it’s a good more. It’s equally important toe improve for its growth, which meant this is a way of buying anymore carbon on DH. That is one way of substituting none. Renewables on DH, then the last thing intensive production, for example. Cages are not allowed in in poll to production in Europe, and that’s a good thing, A ll the time. We must gauge the situation with the industry. With the producers on the consumers, we must find your ways off improving animal welfare. Nevertheless, we must bear in mind that our rules are such that they ensure food safety, that we don’t have welfare leakages. So which would mean that would would have full from outside Europe, which is producing conditions that can be compared it all to the European conditions. This is a question on a big scale, but it’s really, really important to take good care of animals. And it’s a responsibility for all of us. Thank you so far. Although my Calvin everybody, unless I missed a taken. I don’t believe you replied to the question on the mind of a stick with China Raceman Schneider. Is that because you’re going to refer that to your gun? Is in charge of the environment? So that will be a question for for the for tomorrow. Boy, you’re united Top. Thank you, Chairman. Indeed these It’s a question for the environment, minister of the environment and maybe also the foreign minister. But something that concerns me is the cooperation in forestry, how we can export knowhow and knowledge on forestry. We have exported this information to China as well and this is very important because this way we can promote things in China so that they can reach their goals. I am familiar with this issue and we have a good joint objectives. But it’s clear that they need international cooperation and age. Thank you. No thanks a lot for your answers. I think you you had have understood what our priorities when it comes to a few topics. Mako Sure c ap the budget biodiversity and so on. So we hope that we will be able when the next six five months now remaining five month and a half off your presidency to work closely together. And I hope that we will have additional opportunity before the end of your presidency toe Come back if possible, in order to share new information about the negotiations and the ongoing negotiations like CPR. Thank you again and thank you to all for having been very strict in the time constraints. So everybody was able to raise the questions. We will move to the other part of the agenda after a very short break. Thank you. Okay, we are going, Tio, start again. So please join your seat. Thank you. So the first item is the adoption of the agenda, the deaf one. So I guess the agenda is adopted set up. Okay. So we can move to the second point about some housekeeping announcements. So it’s about a reminder off a couple ofthe rules because it’s our first meeting today. So if you could If you’re not part of the meeting, if you could move, please. Thank you. So the first information to be shared is that the interpretation is available today in twenty languages. But there is a formal ask from the Secretariat in order to save money and to be cost effective that if you do not attend the meeting and you had requested a specific interpretation translation, then please warn the Secretariat so that we can avoid some extract coast in terms ofthe translation. So that’s purely good resource management. And I think we all share that object because we’re all taxpayers and you text for years as well. Second, it’s about the L A Tronic meeting file. So that’s another kind off well off good management of resources, not the financial resources, but the paper resources. Thie Envy Committee rents on Elektronik basis For all the documents, it’s not printed off course. You can print if you like, but it’s sent on an electronic basis via the E meeting application. Um, do you think it’s important to share more information? It’s okay. So if ever you have any questions on that front, please ask formally or informally. The secret diet. The third point in terms ofthe housekeeping is that we you should have received in your own language a welcome back off envy. Welcome back as new envy members. So lot off information about the way we operate the scope of the committee’s defies and so on and so on, So on. So again, if you have any questions or your staff, these acts the secret and the four. The Force announcement is about the fact that the secret, Iet, of course, ah changed as well in terms ofthe human resources. And we have lucky to have a new head off unit, Miss Sarah blow from Luxembourg. And I can tell you that, for the way, have been working together for one week now. Very effective. Every effect, if thine I think it’s the largest team. It’s the largest secretary, A team for the for the whole parliament. Twenty eight person you can when you’re shadow when you are a photo. If you have any questions in terms ofthe legal basis, procedure and sound, please don’t hesitate to ask the Secretariat for concrete and precise answer. So it’s very, very careful to have Sarah and her team on DH. Then also in last information about the change that somebody in the secret I had Tina did. Maravich has left after seven years in the envy sick Retire to the Heat Ray Secretariat, Another storey on good luck to her. So it was mainly housekeeping announcement tomorrow. That would be more politically sensitive when we be discussing post coordinators meeting about a few topics such as a C AP and and others. So we’re going to move to the last point off the agenda. The denial budgets off the you Father Financial year twenty twenty and there we switch to French. If you don’t mind comes you’re sweet on Tonka, President said. As president of this committee, I was designated by a CZ Ah Porter for this opinion on the budget. This is a new opinion we have every single year. So as opportunity, this text, I want to share with you some points which make up the document that we will be sending to the station. The first message that we want to transmit is that the twenty percent threshold for expenditure for the climate, which is the objective under the current M F F, was not achieved because this fall expenditure for the climate he’s seven is nineteen point seven percent, which is close to twenty percent. But we would have hoped to be in slightly above rather than slightly below so our request is that the last year of the current M f f should be marked an acceleration off the expenditure for the climate. So be a minimum of twenty one percent, which would enable us to achieve the overall objective twenty percent and then the second point is this. In the course off, the discussions are in council where the position was reached on the eleventh of July. Expenditure which falls under this committee’s purview was cut by one point five billion euros. So in the course of discussions that we have with commission Commission on, the Minister is concerned, we must get across the message that we’re going to be submitting amendments so that the one point five billion which were cut from expenditure for the environment could be put back again on then. Another point. This opinion is that it is essential, as the minister was just saying that the agencies that we supervise, if you like in this committee be given sufficient means to do their work independently. Regularly. People call the foreign pensioners off the data Visa VI the business world and me to be science. Well, it does mean then that the agencies have to have sufficient money on DH thie allocations for twenty twenty have to be sufficiently high. And then the last point that I wanted to raise is that this budget is, of course, the last one in the annual framework on twenty twenty one on DH. It should be able to Well, we should be able to see where we’re going next. It’s already been mentioned by the new president of commission on this budgetary year must be marked by the priority set out by the new president of the commission according to what she said to us in Strasbourg. So that is the fight against climate change on that should be through the twenty one percent for climate on the environment. We also need to be thinking in terms of the general alignment off the budget with the Paris Agreement and the work done new CD the moment the commission is not really particularly looking at that thought. This last year could be a pilot year forthis aspect. So those are just a couple of points that I wanted to share with us. How operative this text on DH putting back my chairman’s hadn’t switched back to English to the shadows, starting with the PP it’s minimum wolf yet Miss Porterfield job. Thank you, Mr Chairman. I will be speaking on behalf of Mrs Value on the PP shadow Rap Attar. Unfortunately, Mrs Valium has some meetings in order to prepare tomorrow’s eatery meeting Mrs Alien as the VP shadow wrap it. Err believes that in particular in the last year of the m f f on ambitious budget in climate action, we’re related programmes there for the protection of biodiversity is needed to build a bridge to the forthcoming Emma Fif which foreseeably will have a slow start until the new programmes are fully operational. Furthermore, in the context of the political guidelines for the next European Commission launched by the Commission President elect, there is also absolute urgency for accelerating emissions reduction and therefore we will amend the twenty twenty budget by intern thing those programmes aimed at supporting the switch from coal to gas in energy production. These are all measures that need to prepare the twenty twenty budget to focus on the next envy related priorities in the new MFN. Thank you, Mr Chairman, We give the floor to the snd representative Well, our shadow deputise. It’s not here today, so we’re not really saying so much besides the fact that we will certainly support you on the need for more resources for our agencies in order to make sure that they are independent. Thank you. Thank you for the greens. I can see best I could. Okay, so the greens are silent on the and Viva Jet that would be recorded. And the idee group I have no name Okay for this year, Madam Zal, use carrots. Your third today. Thank you very much. Theatre colleagues, the festival I fully agree with the chair that they were going to four off realised the budget It’s not too much. But when you so how much money it is in real terms then I think we have to look for it and we have to reclaim it. We have to also wonder why this part of the budget has gone unused and this has led to future cuts. So we fully support what you have said. And so we presented him an amendment going even further Then what you said, because I think this is going to be a starting point for the discussion for the future financial perspective. We also would like to draw your attention to a different matter. We have proposing an amendment to point three about a European green deal. This is something in the pipeline. This has Bean declared by the Commissioner. But there is no document. There is no legal basis, so it’s not tangible yet. So I think you know, you cannot attach any part of the budget too. Flimsy idea. Lofty as it might be and something else. Something that we have taken up in the amendments as well. Our predecessors have taken certain commitments upon themselves. Yeah. The drugs agency, Thie Agency on the food Safety Andi Prevention off illness. And this has been linked to worth more means for increased competences and increase the responsibilities that if our predecessors in the European Parliament have taken this responsibility onto our shoulders, then we have to take it up on. Do we really have to make sure that those agents agencies have more means to perform more tasks? Thank you. I’m sorry. Ah, the grim Get a spray of them. A limited Thank you, Chairman. We are happy with the ah draught drawn up by the presidency. A ll the important issues out there. Nothing to add to thank you. Thank you. Any other members for short question or remark? No. Okay, so we’re going to give the floor to the commission, starting with the gel gently from digital. Thank you very much on DH. Congratulations on you. New office within the energy committee actually really hurt any questions about the budget. So that wanted any question. Any answers I can give, except that the commission has taken note on DH would tend to support all the way remarks made. As you know, it’s the last year off the implementation ofthe PM FF on DH. It’s really the time when the programmes are at maximum speed, particularly when it comes to payments on that is clear from programme submitted to you that some indicators around and they show that all the programmes that are ongoing, particularly life oh, actually successful in terms ofthe preserving species, on protecting habitats and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and even in terms of producing the waste created and then a couple of comments in the light off. What Emmy Pees have said in the first comment is that it’s true that we’re only at nineteen point seven percent when it comes to integrating the climate in all the expenditure, we could agree with what people have said, namely that it is insufficient. Nevertheless, if we look at the development visibly, earlier years were actually on the right track. That doesn’t mean that we should rest on our laurels and I will agree that it would be better to be above the target than below it. But we are nevertheless heading the right direction and then as you know, we’re going through a rather difficult period because as of the first of November, it is planned that a member state will leave the European Union and that it’s bound to have some impact on the budget depending on the circumstances. We’re not really expecting an impact for twenty twenty, but for subsequent budgets we need to take account of it. We also need to come. I also need to take into consideration when it comes to him. F f is particularly in terms of the agencies which you mentioned. If we look at the overall budget for the agencies which supports decentralised agencies in the commission on that very subjective Sze, we’ve set out there is a problem with financing so that when we have new tasks that arise from code decision. The budget is not always there. So it would be important in the upcoming legislative period that over and above the overall budget which we’re currently negotiating, we should focus, particularly in the context off negotiations. We should focus on making sure that if tasks are given to these agencies, they also get the additional funds necessary. It’s the first meeting of this committee in it’s new composition, So I’d like to say the D. G environmentally ji’s son Sunday and DJ Climate are at your disposal to discuss with you all the different aspect on DH to give you any additional information that you might require on DH if there any additional questions. My colleagues from DJ Santa and DJ Climate are perfectly happy to answer your questions. Thank you, Thank you very much. I’ll give floor to the representative DJ Climate. Thank you, Chairman. I also wanted to congratulate you in person for your appointment as chairman of this committee. Now my colleague from the environment is only party replied through the question or the issue on the climate mainstreaming. And indeed there is a positive trend. If you look at the figures, in fact, that we don’t we don’t manage to reach the twenty percent is because we were being the last one. We started at the very beginning off this current Emma Fatso. In the years two thousand fourteen or fifteen, the figures were largely below twenty percent. But we have been catching up meanwhile, so that now in average were its nineteen point seven percent on average, which is not too bad because it’s of course, based on the draught budget. So maybe at the very end, that might be even more than just a nineteen point seven percent. And of course, we welcome the your opinion, especially that draught opinion of special point one. It’s also invite us to be more ambitious for the future, and that’s in line with what our president elect has also promised. In fact, with the European Parliament, that’s a real step up our ambition in the future and indeed, in the proposal, the current proposal lying on the table for the next time of F commission wass aiming for twenty five percent of climate mainstream and for the rest we are analysing internally how we can do more. There is a lot on the table. Indeed, better groomed deal for Europe and all the let’s say, funds that need to be established like just sustainable Europe Investment Fund. Um, like the transition front, like the conversion effect off the European Investment Bank into a climate bank at least partly is that in the end we will unlock the one trillion of investment at the promised by our president elect in the next week. But I don’t have to hide from you that this is a really huge challenge. And I think it will require all forces both in the in the commission. I’m also in in the Parliament Europe. Your apartment is our partner in this to get there. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you. And I will give the flow to the last representative for the commission. Digital age, isn’t it? Thank you, Mr Chair, I will not repeat what has already been said concerning the last year of the favour that we just point on one important point which is in your draught. It is concerning efsa for FC. Indeed, there is a large increase off the staff which correspond exactly to the financial statement that was touched to the revision of the general food low. So this increase is totally justified in this history to implement the general food law. For the rest, we just welcome off course. The intention off the comm envy to reinstate the draught budget is adopted by the commission. Thank you. Okay, Thank you. And it’s just beyond the scope of this opinion. I think it would be good to have ah, later on a discussion about there. What means the for the EU budget to be Paris aligned? Because that’s an ongoing process with a couple of member states aside, the U. S. Within the EU. And that would be great to have you view as a committee. You know what it means for the next FF to be Barry’s aligned. So it’s not only about the one figure twenty twenty five more than twenty five to thirty, but also the whole constituency off the budget. So, um, we get back to that in due time s o for the deadlines for amendment, if you have any, it’s tomorrow, tomorrow at three. P. M. And then we will get back to this opinion from the budget in the Committee September force for votes and then they will be next steps to up to the plenary vote. I think we are done for the agenda today. We will meet tomorrow at nine. Thirty. I insist on nine. Thirteen, not nine. AM, but nine. Thirty AM So see you

Tue, 23 Jul 2019 09:30 – 11:00

    • 6.0 Chair’s announcements concerning coordinators’ recommendations of 18 July and of 22 July 2019
    • Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme 
    • 7.0 Exchange of views with  Ms Krista Mikkonen, Finnish Minister of Environment and Climate Change


Copyright European Parliament (2019)


23 July 2019, 11.00 – 12.30

Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme

8. Exchange of views with Ms Krista Kiuru, Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services





Mr Chairman, during the presidency, we shall organize in Helsinki to high level health related conferences on off course, a big number of meetings at the technical level. Our first high level conference, the seal of the Economic Forum, already took a place a couple weeks ago. The conference at Trist, the healthy on the active aging as a so shoot little societal change and as a new macro economic Arria reality. It was acknowledged that aging should be taken into account in all societal planning and the disease and making as well us in business strategies of a second major conference focusing on economy of well being will take place in Helsinki on on 18th and 19th September. Mr. Chairman, in conclusion, major challenges and opportunities are matching there are linked to chances driven by globalization. Plying me, change my creation, technological development, new forms off work, aging populations on the spread off miss information on increasing distrust in science. At the same time, health systems are all over Europe, struggling with increasing costs, high patient’s expectations, technological transfer formation, shortage of skills, skilled work force, vaccine, vaccine problems, challenges related to availability off and access to medicines in these contexts Kappa City to adopt quickly to changes at every level of society are more important than ever in order to respond To chant changes caused by those megatrends and to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth, we need to promote European social motile. It creates stability, which is significant advantage for you. You in tightening global competition, you should aim to be not only most competitive, but also the most show surely who? Go ahead, Steve. Economy in the world. Mr. Chairman, this is the direction to which we I would like to see the union go during the next five years. The approach we are advocating the economy of well being is only a first step on this bath. We hope to provide the future presidencies with a so Li foundation on which they can build the future actions needed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much for effort this speech. And we now get the floor to the coordinators. All the various political groups, starting with the peopie respect. Eliza, be done carefully. That’s enough. Thank you very much. Chairman. Andi. Thank you, Minister. If we would congratulate someone on the birthday or wished him a happy New Year. When we congratulate people, then we don’t wish for them to have economic growth, strong institutions and transparency. All of those things are important, of course, but that’s no way to reach people. We wish him good health. And that’s why in European politics, health must also be a priority. Of course, we respect the treaties, and we know that some of this is within the purview off member states. But treaties don’t just make it possible for us, but obliges to make sure that where the U has competency, we must act on DDE. The commissioner Full health was a disappointment. They put forward one legislative proposal on that’s a stuck in council. So I must say that your commitment to try and make progress there is something we welcome on dhe. I think we need to seize this opportunity to, uh, sees opportunity that the president of the commission is, in fact, a doctor on. We would like to, uh, therefore make progress. The first priority for us is cancer. Manfred failed, been DPP spits and candid out to make this a priority on in our negotiations across the four largest group in this House we found agreement That is that the you should do more to fight cancer. The second area where I would seek support from you is entry microbial resistance. 33,000 people die every year because of antimicrobial resistance. Uh, because of antimicrobial resistant germs on, we think that the veterinary legislation needs to be implemented strictly, But we also need in innovation We need new medicines if the old ones no longer work. Of course, prevention is important, but you also need to be able to cure people when they fall ill. So again, we would seek your support here. And we hope that the new commission could put forward a specific proposal. Thank you. Thank you for sng subsidence. Thank you very much in Thank you, Minister, for coming this morning outlining your priorities. It was good to hear that prevention is top of the list in terms of approach that you have for public health in the U. I asked a question earlier to the environment minister about public perception, how we bring citizens with us and I’ll ask you a similar question on vaccine hesitancy. During the election campaign, I and many others were subject to quite a sustained campaign to ask whether or not we would support both the right of parents to not vaccinate their children, but also to support measures to reduce the pressure put on parents to vaccinate their children. And I was quite clear that I wouldn’t support such a move to reduce the pressure on parents that we can’t force people obviously. But I’m worried that the current suspicion off some aspects of science is leaving Thio astonishingly bad outcomes, particularly when you look at the 30% rise in measles cases worldwide, numerous outbreaks across European member states. What measures do you think you could take to build consensus amongst member states to ensure that we put back faith in public faith in science to increase the assuredness that people feel about the safety and the viability of vaccines on Can we, for instance, have a program whereby the vaccination approval system in the U, which is quite straightforward, clear and robust But I suspect is not read, widely known among citizens, that we can point people too, the exact process that takes place in the U to educate people about the safety of vaccines because if we continue on the path off suspicion of science. Then that could take us to a very bad place indeed. Thank you. Thank you for renew villainy to here in a while. That’s year, Monsieur Pretty. Don’t thank you, Chairman. Madam Minister, thank you very much for your presentation on health, where you don’t just look at the negatives and illness, but where you also look at an inclusive, holistic approach based on solidarity. You mentioned the economy of welfare, but there are risks to the environment on two ah, diet, and that needs to be at the heart of our concerns. Of course, public health systems remained within the purview of member states. But there are certain health issues with societal, multi disciplinary dimensions and multi sectoral dimensions which you yourself mentioned in your Intersect oral approach, which I’m not sufficiently taken into account in could be dealt with at a higher level. There’s a fight against counsel. Come back to that particular point. But there’s also the aging of our populations, the fact that digital health is being rolled out on the fact that people need to make a return from serious illness and also people with disabilities. And there is also mental illness. And I would like to thank you for picking on that this sexual and reproductive health, which is of course, an issue which is important to women. And I suppose that also fits within this wider framework of welfare on Dwell being now we need a strong commitment from council to tackle. With all of this, the end wth the committee is looking forward to meeting the future European commissioner. We cannot imagine they’re not being one. And we certainly hope that their mandate is very visible and that they will be very effective at least more so than the previous commissioner. Now the Finnish presidency. Is it willing to support a European public health policy, which is ambitious on Will you make sure that incentives are in place so that we can have European policies on health which have an impact for our citizens and their children? Macy for the greens? Who that Barrows. Thank you very much, Minister. Thanks for being with us also. Thanks for sharing your agenda. Andi. I truly appreciate your dedication to predict protect you Citizenshealth Andi. I especially value the holistic approach to well being. Andi, in this light I would like to bring to your attention very relevant threats to human health and well being. Um, and I would like to know if you consider it to make the non toxic environment the key issue because you probably are aware that the outgoing commission has not delivered strategy on this, although it would have been Do you last year ready on? I am very concerned because as we meet here, a myriad of harmful chemicals off poisons off endocrine disruptors, off urinated surfactants is entering the environment, and it’s also eventually entering the food chain that’s being a riel threat to human health. On Do you share this opinion that this is a serious hazard and that it should be addressed? And also the ongoing presence of substances are very high concern in everyday objects such as children’s play to, such as drinking bottles, such as all sorts of issues we use every day. This is a really obstacle to circular economy, but it’s also the absence of a level playing field because they’re our producers who have met the requirements of the Reach proposal on DDE. Those who do not so they don’t have to fear of relevant. Find off the member states. So as your minister in the country where a car the European Chemicals Agency situated What do you think off the undermining of the principal? No doubt on the market. Especially what human health, his estate at stake on DDE. In your opinion, should there be a stronger enforcement on dhe? If so, how can this be achieved? Thank you very much. Parents for me. Thank you. There is no speaker for i D. So we moved to the East Year group with your honor Cup. Sean’s car Jin Korean shot of the banyan. Trouble knew Johnson shot given up on You mean thank you very much. Chairman. Madam Minister, I would like to thank you for your very ambitious work program under the finish presidency and the priorities that you have highlighted are of great interest to me too. The solution that the finish presidency is suggesting is based on achieving a balance across the you when it comes to welfare on dhe health Now. The European Commission earlier this year presented a proposal when it comes to assessing medicinal technology on this proposal is to make sure that national agencies can cooperate better amongst themselves on DDE. The member states, of course, are also concerned and worried about certain elements. Uh, it’s does the report on clinical assessments on Dhe member states are to submit reports on this that’s mandatory on. There are also some issues to do with the re funding off treatment costs on dhe member states fear that implementation of all of these proposals will be too difficult. None in December, off this year. On the ninth, a new debate is to be organized. But I would like to you know what kind of consensus the finished presidency is pursuing. What is the presidency going to do to make sure that an ambitious agreement between the various institutions could be achieved? Thank you. Thank you for Dugway equal us. Thank you, Minister. The so called war on drugs has been a total failure. The misuse of drugs must be seen as a health issue rather than a justice issue. I’d like to know, Minister, if you hold a progressive position in relation to drug related problems and health, do you see the social wrists and hands related to drug use as a priority in the list of giant help priorities. And will you be working on the formulation off the new you drug strategy and knew you drove action plan? The plans that are due to expire in 2020 were quite successful in this area. My second question minister relates the life of said I was pretty disappointed to hear the agricultural and Forestry Ministry minister yesterday defending the use of life a set he wasn’t worried about his use, only how it was used on dhe. Considering the death devastating impact that’s having Ah, do you not agree? Dash, The life of st is not something that should be allowed near our food chain. Independent science has shown that it is not good for our health and it shouldn’t be used in food production. The best science that Monsanto and Bears money can buy obviously come up with a different answer. But we should take that with a lot of salt business. Sir, you also mentioned the issue of mental health. I’m glad to hear you do so. I come from a country where Ireland, where we have huge challenges in the area of mental health and sadly, our government repeated government. Successive governments have bean very disappointing in how they have dealt with the challenges around mental health. I’m wondering, does the European Council Commission Parliament have the wherewithal to pressure the Irish government to doom or in the area of mental health? Thank you. Thank you. So, uh, you have 5 to 7 minutes for our senses. Thank you very much for the excellent questions on I have the mini, so I’ll try to to be brief. Well, first of all, about the health technology assist mint. Many of you asked about it or or referred to that. I want to reassure you that, uh, already said we are committed to maximum progress on DDE that we are fully prepared to meet the challenges off this file. However, I must say in very breakfast article way that the presidency is in the hands off the member states. The challenge is might be quite big comfort with the expectations were having. So we are pragmatic. We will work hard to find a way forward on the h t a file. But I can’t promise here right now that a compromise will be found by the end of the year. But we have an excellent team here and we’ll do everything in our power to gain success will. Then we had some questions about Let’s take a M R first antimicrobial resistance. I do not need to stress here in front of you how serious and how important issue and the threat off a are. These awareness education on the corporation off all parties and pictures is important to tackle a M or including general public health care professionals, animal owners, farmers and industry. Everybody is needed. I’m very sad device to note that the many steps have recently been taken in year to future shrink Tonton, our long standing fight against it, the adoption off new Europe in one health action plan against a M or in 2017. Another example is a new legislation Oh no on, um veterinary medicines in late 2018 and more recently on 14th True in 2019 Council adopted conclusions on the next steps towards making you a best practice region in compacting a Him are in those conclusions. I believe the council, for example, and faces the right issues the importance off strengthening implementation, off multi sexual national action plans, establishing co ordinated Gordon, agent on monitoring mechanisms by member states and so on. So let’s say that we need to work more deeply, have better international coordination on DDE. We need to work hard to establish stronger positions of the U and its member states on M r. Him a m r. Well, then vaccinations, huh? I think you just put it in the right stand. The biggie? Sure. Is that how hopefully fate can be maintained? And I think many member states are struggling in this appreciation every moment how we can guarantee that the vaccination is safe all times how we can make sure that citizens have fate in vaccinations. These are the crucial issues. Indeed. Um, in December 2018 Council adopted a recommendation on this topic. We see that it’s time to two implement thehe create actions at the member state on the commission level. We still have work to do, uh, access to shorty. Access to medicines, sorted cheese off. Action is vaccines are a growing challenge. Also for holy you. One other thing needs that vaccine market is actually very concentrated, which, um, means that four companies actually produce almost 90% off all vaccines in the world so were challenged by different kind off issues which are all related eventually that that how public fate to vaccination be maintained. Well Ah, we have some questions about gets. Yes, have some. Let me see your cancer. Yes, well, you member states share the common challenge. Definitely, as population is aging rapidly on, the same questions are coming all the way up. The one question is that what we can do better what we can do more effectively. But these are the challenges which we are facing. Also, the coalition government and finish politics have even quite a demands to make sure that we can be more effective in the treatment. How do we care about people? But we also welcome all imports, aiming at strengthening the U cooperation in the such a topic digital health. It’s that we’d be the last one. So, um, you know that Butland invests a lot in digitalization on DDE. We have done quite a wiki forced by ourselves, but I believe that we have to focus on the fact that citizens are using service is, um technical advice is which are monitoring all the time, their health. It is not any more easy to say that we just can’t carry on with the old patterns. So I believe that we need to do more in the member states. We must provide a completely new ways process. He’s at home. So new digital tools have to have the potential to enable personalized medicine. But also they can give a great growth in such a field in you. So the question is how to get a better use off health data. Finland’s Experience East that we need to have a good legislation off a new act on secondary use off health and social data enables the secure use off health and social data for research, development on innovation activities, as well as education and knowledge management beauties. So I’m challenging all of you. Shouldn’t we do more? I believe that we should. This is one off the initiatives which were pushing now full board because I think that we should share more. We have ah, good practices in the member states. We need to do more to to find a better tools, to make sure that we can cure people. We can get a gain health growth in this field, but also we can serve people better in order to maintain their health. Thank you. Thank you for the very clear messages. S O. I will now give the floor to 12 speakers before the whole ah round of questions. Um, starting with Paco pads from tpp. Inquire Burt’s opinion Shovel new transit by Mr Birdseye Jenko years That’s what are the chances. Thank you very much. I too, have a specific question to you as to whether in the framework offthe e finished priorities, you would have a more efficient campaign against cancer. I think that is the biggest killer. In fact, in our century. So perhaps a broader initiative might be started under your presidency tohave a enhanced, um, campaign against a cancer on dhe to use the experience that countries have. But you do need to have more money for that purpose to create the right sort of for basis. Therefore, for the health, the systems to function more appropriately and to be able to combat cancer more quickly. Thank you. Thank you for sng, regardless, nor President’s narim nuestra such a benvinda. There’s jack study and they’re not set out with passion. Thank you very much indeed, Minister and thank you so much for being here with us. Now we’ve listened to the focus that Finland is blazing on mainstreaming health, but it’s not. It’s also very important to take into account the public sector and decisions there with regard to health as well. This is the difficulty because we understand now that this focus will also be prevalent in the Finnish presidency period. But we hope that it will lead to better well being Onda prosperity I’d like to talk to about mortality in Europe today from non contagious diseases. Thes diseases represent 0.8% off GDP loss. Now the stress that this presidency is putting on prevention for these diseases, it’s something that’s very important. Will you be taking that into account as well? Thank you. You did well, them enemies. Madam Minister, I’m sorry to have to repeat what’s already been said, but it’s such a big problem. Cancers of responsible for the death of one point 4,000,000 European citizens annually 600,000 children included in that figure. Now we have improved diagnoses and treatment plans, but an awful lot remains to be done when it comes to prevention. Research on in particular using artificial intelligence. Also, when it comes to access to innovations and the inclusion of handicaps when it comes to treating the cancer, the new president of the European Commission unveiled a European plan to combat pant cancer on Now I would like to make a suggestion to our chairman to amend the budget, which will label us to finance this amendment. But how will the Finnish presidency take on board and flank financially? In particular? These initiatives thank you for the Greens team is thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to formulate the question on front off pack nutrition labeling. Indeed, several EU member states have started to introduce front off pack nutritional labels on the voluntary biases. Color coding on the new tree school scheme, in particular, has been shown to help consumers to boast, compare so nutritional quality off products and to make healthier food push a zing decisions. A couple of months ago, European Citizen Initiative was launched, calling Pause Amanda Terry rollout off you tree score across the European Union. My question is now with the European Commission’s report on existing or front of pack labels about to be released. How does a Finnish presidency intend to force the discussions towards a harmonized you approach to simply fight nutrition labeling in the interest of consumers and the single market? Thank you. And wishing you all the best for this next six months. Thank you. There is no speaker for I d again. So we moved to DC Are you a narc? Obscene scalp gently upon your troubled me, Johnson means thank you very much. Chair. Um, administer. My second question refers to, um am are that this is something which has been addressed already, but I do have another question, but it’s an interesting and important issue because as a doctor, I do support all measures in order to combat resistance to the bacteria and anti bacteria resistance. Um, no buying the year 2050 The resistance to antibiotics is going to be a major issue, and in fact, it’s going to, um, be exponential. And could Sze affect millions of people buy that data? So, in reference to the prognosis from the World Bank, we’re talking about health economy on this is a concept that this covers areas such as health on dhe s social economy’s. But I do think that it’s important to promote the health measures on dhe antibiotics. Resistance is not only a new problem on day one of the targets of the you, therefore should be tohave an agenda established Emma 4 a.m. R. And to be able to cooperate more closely with international organizations on also with the developed countries and to use their potential there too. So my question is, what sort of measures which you have on am are specifically from the Finnish presidency. Thank you. Thank you. So I’m sorry, but you’re you’re supposed to have one minute, so please stick to the rules. Um, for the grey, Onya has a camp. Yeah, Duncanville without administered. Thank you, Madam Minister. And welcome. There are two issues that I would like to address. First of all, agricultural poison. There’s a delay in looking at active substances on There are certain poisons which are very, very dangerous and stay on the market for too long as a result of that. So what are you going to do to clear the backlog that member states have in assessing these active substances? So that automatic extensions, procedural extensions for the use off these poisons could be stopped. Secondly, then I think that if you look at the climate crisis and by the diversity we in doing away with active substances and looking at farming more closely, we can avoid certain issues. I think eating more fruit and vegetable are the way forward on DDE, therefore reducing our livestock on the breeding. And I’d like to ask you what you will do to make this a reality in the future. Thank you. Okay. For the e p p net article, I was telling the men in the Thank you very much indeed, Madam Minister, The children’s health is a vital question, but health and marketing for food stuffs is, uh, no, really that easy to manage either. So I’m looking to hear from you what you’re going to do to try to restrict marketing practices targeting children for foods with high sugar concentrations in fact, concentrations and also tried to introduce, perhaps, um, restrictions on those products when it comes to enter crying disruptors. This has been mentioned. They’re very prevalent in our daily lives on dhe. They are affecting our health. So would this also be a priority issue for you during the presidency and would you, for example, introduced the same identification criteria for endocrine disruptors as the ones that have already been adopted for pesticides and bio sides on Apply that for all products then, including those products that are currently used in toys and cosmetics. Thank you very much indeed for S and D C Movil can. Thank you Chair Dear Miscue, Thanks for being here with us today. The new You regulation of medical devices is due to become fully applicable and made to serve and 20. So let’s than a year away The new regulations essential to improve and strengthen the regulatory system and ensure that patients and public health is protected. But it’s the same time enabling safe access to the news. Most innovative technologies to offer new diagnostic and fear. Partick possibilities. Doing the EPS co session on June to sell the 19 the Irish and German delegation raised much concern in relation to the ability and capacity off notified bodies for medical devices. Under this new regulation, it seems that there will be significantly less notified bodies in place than currently existing, making its move transition less likely to impossible. What will your presidency do do in order to make sure that the medical devices regulation can become fully applicable as planned in May 27 and 20. And how will you guarantee that there will be enough notified bodies in place? Thank you very much. Thank you. So we moved to renew their wedding here and well again. Thank you. Chair Madam Lebanese Madam Minister. European citizenshealth also includes combating the risks linked to sub dangerous substances in our environment and in our consumer products. So, are you going to take measures to guarantee the respect for the reach regulation which guarantees the registration of dangerous substances? The commission currently deems that endocrine disruptors on a sexual basis. It’s being analyzed. But will you make sure that this procedure, in a fragmented way, will not delay the elaboration or drafting of a common framework? Regulation then, Madam Minister, can you also tell us how you will influence the impact assessment across European policies for at the health of public health and children’s health? Thank you for the peopie Cindy Frandsen. Thank you, Chairman. First of all, I would like to turn the Minister for the presentation off the priorities of the finished presidency. I welcome the attention towards in economy off the well being and there’s implies a good health for all of our citizens. There is a clear at its value in this field, especially in the fight against cancer as mentioned by many colleagues. But a good health and well being means also that we have to ensure a healthy environment and that we have to guarantee safe products. And as already mentioned by Mrs Funder Lane, we need to move towards a cross cutting strategy to protect citizens held from pollution by addressing air and water quality by addressing industrial emissions and end the crying disruptors. Also the council school towards the Commission to ensure a high level of protection off human health and our environment in general by minimizing exposure toe end up crying disruptors forces in that direction. So therefore I hope to finish presidency will start consultancies between the Parliament Commission and the Council to achieve a comprehensive and balance strategy, especially for programmed women and for young children. Thank you. Thank you for Snd crystal shadowing mother attack today some stadium card. I did. I did our hero yas still Wang Shu Mai. Thank you very much. Well as a Social Democrat. It’s really great to hear that you also committed to this and pushing well being a couple of quick questions for you. The 1st 1 where we’ve already heard it now concerns health, a CZ related to air pollution in Europe. This is a big problem in Europe. What are you going to do for the presidency? To ensure that member states are much better at respecting the rules that currently exists? And what can we make sure to do to make sure they do respect those rules? Another question touched on by other colleagues Already, this concerns dangerous substances in our daily lives. This is a big problem for us, but we have to get rid of all of these dangerous substances. And it’s particularly difficult because, yeah, apparently the member states are an obstacle to this. So is there something that we can be doing now to get rid of all these dangerous substances in our daily lives? Thank you for Nana Ski AA attendance shows Constantine knew. Thank you very much. Now I would like to ask my bad minister to givers, said the finished approach as concerns a social welfare. Four refugees on dhe my immigrants especiales concerns the realistic organization and functioning of a health from interactive system and support. Thank you. Okay, so, um, we are at the end of the second round but there are still a limited never off requests for every piece for questions. So forget Shii we have Let’s see 34 minutes. So they’re in two requests from me pp not to request for me. E p p. Here. You won’t. You won’t. Okay, one from you and one from the greens. You are from a BB as well. It’s a bit too much for me pp. Unless all the other groups except, uh, you’re not well, it’s a question of proportion. Better should do. You want us to remind Ah, the move. Okay, so let’s start with two m p. P. Sorry. Otherwise very imbalanced. What gave Mr Bush? Thank you very much, Chairman, I hope health would be a priority for your presidency. Beside the important issues like cancer vaccine, hesitancy, antimicrobial resistance he helped on the project between Estonia and Finland is a very important access. Better access to help which are also discussed during Romanian presidency. And we expect toe advance during your presidency. We have some legislative all those years. One is, ah, the health program, which for the first time will not be a separate one, but partof sf plus and the European Parliament proposed a small increase off the budget, and I hope that this increase off the budget will remain in the final discussions. Hd a. Understand that it is difficult to guarantee that will have a result. But please try hard because otherwise, if these are great chance toe a big chance toe be frozen and it will be a pity for European patients. And also, European Commission is getting an evaluation off for you, blood and tissues and says legislation expected this autumn and I would like to know if the presidency will make steps towards this in the council. Q. Still smoke her out? Gadhafi. Yes, but she didn’t thank you very much indeed, Chairman of the Brief. I think that well, we’ve talked about three very important things today. Antimicrobial resistance, cancer and mental health. And it’s clear that the National Public Health systems in Europe are making progress in terms of research and more resources on dhe. Also improving diagnostics and treatment for our citizens who have thes diseases. But I really think that we need to do more and put more effort into prevention. We’ve worked an awful lot on prevention against alcoholism, drug addiction and to improve nutrition. For example, we’ve also worked a lot on improving the work to combat said and tourism and so on. But we’ve also been working on managing emotions, managing loneliness, stress depression on duh. When you have a healthy mind, you also have a healthy body. That’s true. But I’d like to ask you Minister the following following during the Finnish presidency these six months, what measures will you be putting on the table to try to improve prevention, particularly those three areas? Cancer, antimicrobial resistance on mental health? Thank you very much indeed. Thank you for the greens with Paris. Thank you image. And this is just a friendly reminder that I maybe I just visited by that didn’t really get a kn answer my questions before. And I have a second question concerning trade agreements because at the moment there’s rumors that medicines which are registered in the United States of America may come to European market without having to be registered again. It’s at a M. And I would like to know What’s your opinion on that? Okay. And the last one will be for this year with them, you scamp. Thank you, John Circle junkie, college money chair man. Minister, I’d like to ask you about said the details off the European does strategy for mental health. I mean, it sounds very serious and interesting, but it’s important also that young people should become digitally independent. This is something which we have to look out but also to take measures against. You’ve said that discussion has to also take place at the Member States level. But I do think also that we ought to look more closely into this particular issue off a digital addiction. And, um, you know the concept off. Ah, the issue off a blood donation. But a lot of people are being disqualified from donating blood on blood. Donors are being excluded from this possibility. So is this something that we could have a closer look at? Thank you. So we took all the questions in a balanced way from a political point of view. So you have five minutes to try to go to the conclusions. Maybe maybe seven. Well, quite a challenge. Simon. Let’s let’s see how far I can get about the food chemicals. The U has a complete set off legislation on food safety, and we have a strong institutions, a car, and if so, which you’re doing a good work in this field. We definitely need strong monitoring on chemicals. But most importantly, we need the herdsmen full chain to take the responsibility, starting from primary production up to retail operators to ensure sait productive for consumers. It is not easy thing to do, but we also have to admit that when we face the challenges, we have to follow the European legislation on be strict on this issue. What comes to MMM, what comes to endocrine disruptors? There were similar questions related to this topic, So finish presidency aims at making sure that all measures needed will be included in the work program off off a new commission with a clear debt lines that are ambitious enough. The best way to create a common framework to endocrine disruptors at the you level would be to develop a strategy on known toxic environment as soon as possible, possible uh, in accordance with the seventh You Environment Action program. Well, about the nutrition label. A few words about that, too. Um, the council is is awaiting that. The outcome off the assist mint by commission off the different front, off back labeling schemes used in different member states. Their impact on the internal market on dhe. They need too few their organization in this field shoot commission decide to proposed any changes to current legal framework. We are ready to launch the examination off such proposals without delay. Then some questions about, um implementation off the U medical devices Regulation The situation with the implementation race licked inmate concerns. Let me. The presidency is following the issue closely. We’re ready to work together with the member states, the Commission on the European Parliament to find solutions Should this turn out to be necessary, we’ll see. But I think we have to work hardly with the issue. Um, you a few words about trucks? Andi? Um well, drugs. Sorry that I couldn’t dance earlier. We do agree that Ah, holistic approach to truck problem is important. We see what happens all over the Europe, sir. We should be more investing in prevention. But also to the a group of okay, trucks are related to, for example, mental health issues on dhe. We need to find common ways to work together in the member states, and I think multi sexual work here is it’s definitely needed. Some of you asked about the mental health. This is silly. You like I said when I When I how does a speech earlier? I think it’s one off the biggest challenges in Europe. If we don’t face that challenge early enough, we gonna lose the game Lord over. Young people are without education without possibility to chop markets. These are the questions which are challenging us. It is not all about the education. It’s all about well being, too. On the these issues should be taking lots more seriously in your countries. So I definitely welcome all initiatives in this field. We hot some questions about one question about the future of the you Health Corporation. As we see how many challenges we have, we definitely should think that the public health is a common concern. Also in the U level. What can we do together better? I believe that that we have to shank, turn the cooperation with such topics? Definitely. Yeah. What already? Zis EES. Thanks, old friend. We need something. Did we miss anyone’s question? Hopefully, no, no. Everybody seemed frustration. Well, that’s part of the well being strong. Yeah. So I’m very delighted that I had these minutes in front of you. I definitely courage. You work hardly promoting health, promoting people’s well being in Europe. It’s all us who can do it. So you have a strong role. Please support our work will support yours. I think we have to find, um, actors who already to see what’s in stake if we don’t do anything. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for the inspiring conclusion. And as you can see, there is a lot off appetite in this committee to work on health issues. So sure that we will work together. We will start again. Our committee work no deceptive five at 5 p.m. Mr Chairman, during the presidency, we shall organize in Helsinki to high level health related conferences on off course, a big number of meetings at the technical level. Our first high level conference, the seal of the Economic Forum, already took a place a couple weeks ago. The conference at Trist, the healthy on the active aging as a so shoot little societal change and as a new macro economic Arria reality. It was acknowledged that aging should be taken into account in all societal planning and the disease and making as well us in business strategies of a second major conference focusing on economy of well being will take place in Helsinki on on 18th and 19th September. Mr. Chairman, in conclusion, major challenges and opportunities are matching there are linked to chances driven by globalization. Plying me, change my creation, technological development, new forms off work, aging populations on the spread off miss information on increasing distrust in science. At the same time, health systems are all over Europe, struggling with increasing costs, high patient’s expectations, technological transfer formation, shortage of skills, skilled work force, vaccine, vaccine problems, challenges related to availability off and access to medicines in these contexts Kappa City to adopt quickly to changes at every level of society are more important than ever in order to respond To chant changes caused by those megatrends and to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth, we need to promote European social motile. It creates stability, which is significant advantage for you. You in tightening global competition, you should aim to be not only most competitive, but also the most show surely who? Go ahead, Steve. Economy in the world. Mr. Chairman, this is the direction to which we I would like to see the union go during the next five years. The approach we are advocating the economy of well being is only a first step on this bath. We hope to provide the future presidencies with a so Li foundation on which they can build the future actions needed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much for effort this speech. And we now get the floor to the coordinators. All the various political groups, starting with the peopie respect. Eliza, be done carefully. That’s enough. Thank you very much. Chairman. Andi. Thank you, Minister. If we would congratulate someone on the birthday or wished him a happy New Year. When we congratulate people, then we don’t wish for them to have economic growth, strong institutions and transparency. All of those things are important, of course, but that’s no way to reach people. We wish him good health. And that’s why in European politics, health must also be a priority. Of course, we respect the treaties, and we know that some of this is within the purview off member states. But treaties don’t just make it possible for us, but obliges to make sure that where the U has competency, we must act on DDE. The commissioner Full health was a disappointment. They put forward one legislative proposal on that’s a stuck in council. So I must say that your commitment to try and make progress there is something we welcome on dhe. I think we need to seize this opportunity to, uh, sees opportunity that the president of the commission is, in fact, a doctor on. We would like to, uh, therefore make progress. The first priority for us is cancer. Manfred failed, been DPP spits and candid out to make this a priority on in our negotiations across the four largest group in this House we found agreement That is that the you should do more to fight cancer. The second area where I would seek support from you is entry microbial resistance. 33,000 people die every year because of antimicrobial resistance. Uh, because of antimicrobial resistant germs on, we think that the veterinary legislation needs to be implemented strictly, But we also need in innovation We need new medicines if the old ones no longer work. Of course, prevention is important, but you also need to be able to cure people when they fall ill. So again, we would seek your support here. And we hope that the new commission could put forward a specific proposal. Thank you. Thank you for sng subsidence. Thank you very much in Thank you, Minister, for coming this morning outlining your priorities. It was good to hear that prevention is top of the list in terms of approach that you have for public health in the U. I asked a question earlier to the environment minister about public perception, how we bring citizens with us and I’ll ask you a similar question on vaccine hesitancy. During the election campaign, I and many others were subject to quite a sustained campaign to ask whether or not we would support both the right of parents to not vaccinate their children, but also to support measures to reduce the pressure put on parents to vaccinate their children. And I was quite clear that I wouldn’t support such a move to reduce the pressure on parents that we can’t force people obviously. But I’m worried that the current suspicion off some aspects of science is leaving Thio astonishingly bad outcomes, particularly when you look at the 30% rise in measles cases worldwide, numerous outbreaks across European member states. What measures do you think you could take to build consensus amongst member states to ensure that we put back faith in public faith in science to increase the assuredness that people feel about the safety and the viability of vaccines on Can we, for instance, have a program whereby the vaccination approval system in the U, which is quite straightforward, clear and robust But I suspect is not read, widely known among citizens, that we can point people too, the exact process that takes place in the U to educate people about the safety of vaccines because if we continue on the path off suspicion of science. Then that could take us to a very bad place indeed. Thank you. Thank you for renew villainy to here in a while. That’s year, Monsieur Pretty. Don’t thank you, Chairman. Madam Minister, thank you very much for your presentation on health, where you don’t just look at the negatives and illness, but where you also look at an inclusive, holistic approach based on solidarity. You mentioned the economy of welfare, but there are risks to the environment on two ah, diet, and that needs to be at the heart of our concerns. Of course, public health systems remained within the purview of member states. But there are certain health issues with societal, multi disciplinary dimensions and multi sectoral dimensions which you yourself mentioned in your Intersect oral approach, which I’m not sufficiently taken into account in could be dealt with at a higher level. There’s a fight against counsel. Come back to that particular point. But there’s also the aging of our populations, the fact that digital health is being rolled out on the fact that people need to make a return from serious illness and also people with disabilities. And there is also mental illness. And I would like to thank you for picking on that this sexual and reproductive health, which is of course, an issue which is important to women. And I suppose that also fits within this wider framework of welfare on Dwell being now we need a strong commitment from council to tackle. With all of this, the end wth the committee is looking forward to meeting the future European commissioner. We cannot imagine they’re not being one. And we certainly hope that their mandate is very visible and that they will be very effective at least more so than the previous commissioner. Now the Finnish presidency. Is it willing to support a European public health policy, which is ambitious on Will you make sure that incentives are in place so that we can have European policies on health which have an impact for our citizens and their children? Macy for the greens? Who that Barrows. Thank you very much, Minister. Thanks for being with us also. Thanks for sharing your agenda. Andi. I truly appreciate your dedication to predict protect you Citizenshealth Andi. I especially value the holistic approach to well being. Andi, in this light I would like to bring to your attention very relevant threats to human health and well being. Um, and I would like to know if you consider it to make the non toxic environment the key issue because you probably are aware that the outgoing commission has not delivered strategy on this, although it would have been Do you last year ready on? I am very concerned because as we meet here, a myriad of harmful chemicals off poisons off endocrine disruptors, off urinated surfactants is entering the environment, and it’s also eventually entering the food chain that’s being a riel threat to human health. On Do you share this opinion that this is a serious hazard and that it should be addressed? And also the ongoing presence of substances are very high concern in everyday objects such as children’s play to, such as drinking bottles, such as all sorts of issues we use every day. This is a really obstacle to circular economy, but it’s also the absence of a level playing field because they’re our producers who have met the requirements of the Reach proposal on DDE. Those who do not so they don’t have to fear of relevant. Find off the member states. So as your minister in the country where a car the European Chemicals Agency situated What do you think off the undermining of the principal? No doubt on the market. Especially what human health, his estate at stake on DDE. In your opinion, should there be a stronger enforcement on dhe? If so, how can this be achieved? Thank you very much. Parents for me. Thank you. There is no speaker for i D. So we moved to the East Year group with your honor Cup. Sean’s car Jin Korean shot of the banyan. Trouble knew Johnson shot given up on You mean thank you very much. Chairman. Madam Minister, I would like to thank you for your very ambitious work program under the finish presidency and the priorities that you have highlighted are of great interest to me too. The solution that the finish presidency is suggesting is based on achieving a balance across the you when it comes to welfare on dhe health Now. The European Commission earlier this year presented a proposal when it comes to assessing medicinal technology on this proposal is to make sure that national agencies can cooperate better amongst themselves on DDE. The member states, of course, are also concerned and worried about certain elements. Uh, it’s does the report on clinical assessments on Dhe member states are to submit reports on this that’s mandatory on. There are also some issues to do with the re funding off treatment costs on dhe member states fear that implementation of all of these proposals will be too difficult. None in December, off this year. On the ninth, a new debate is to be organized. But I would like to you know what kind of consensus the finished presidency is pursuing. What is the presidency going to do to make sure that an ambitious agreement between the various institutions could be achieved? Thank you. Thank you for Dugway equal us. Thank you, Minister. The so called war on drugs has been a total failure. The misuse of drugs must be seen as a health issue rather than a justice issue. I’d like to know, Minister, if you hold a progressive position in relation to drug related problems and health, do you see the social wrists and hands related to drug use as a priority in the list of giant help priorities. And will you be working on the formulation off the new you drug strategy and knew you drove action plan? The plans that are due to expire in 2020 were quite successful in this area. My second question minister relates the life of said I was pretty disappointed to hear the agricultural and Forestry Ministry minister yesterday defending the use of life a set he wasn’t worried about his use, only how it was used on dhe. Considering the death devastating impact that’s having Ah, do you not agree? Dash, The life of st is not something that should be allowed near our food chain. Independent science has shown that it is not good for our health and it shouldn’t be used in food production. The best science that Monsanto and Bears money can buy obviously come up with a different answer. But we should take that with a lot of salt business. Sir, you also mentioned the issue of mental health. I’m glad to hear you do so. I come from a country where Ireland, where we have huge challenges in the area of mental health and sadly, our government repeated government. Successive governments have bean very disappointing in how they have dealt with the challenges around mental health. I’m wondering, does the European Council Commission Parliament have the wherewithal to pressure the Irish government to doom or in the area of mental health? Thank you. Thank you. So, uh, you have 5 to 7 minutes for our senses. Thank you very much for the excellent questions on I have the mini, so I’ll try to to be brief. Well, first of all, about the health technology assist mint. Many of you asked about it or or referred to that. I want to reassure you that, uh, already said we are committed to maximum progress on DDE that we are fully prepared to meet the challenges off this file. However, I must say in very breakfast article way that the presidency is in the hands off the member states. The challenge is might be quite big comfort with the expectations were having. So we are pragmatic. We will work hard to find a way forward on the h t a file. But I can’t promise here right now that a compromise will be found by the end of the year. But we have an excellent team here and we’ll do everything in our power to gain success will. Then we had some questions about Let’s take a M R first antimicrobial resistance. I do not need to stress here in front of you how serious and how important issue and the threat off a are. These awareness education on the corporation off all parties and pictures is important to tackle a M or including general public health care professionals, animal owners, farmers and industry. Everybody is needed. I’m very sad device to note that the many steps have recently been taken in year to future shrink Tonton, our long standing fight against it, the adoption off new Europe in one health action plan against a M or in 2017. Another example is a new legislation Oh no on, um veterinary medicines in late 2018 and more recently on 14th True in 2019 Council adopted conclusions on the next steps towards making you a best practice region in compacting a Him are in those conclusions. I believe the council, for example, and faces the right issues the importance off strengthening implementation, off multi sexual national action plans, establishing co ordinated Gordon, agent on monitoring mechanisms by member states and so on. So let’s say that we need to work more deeply, have better international coordination on DDE. We need to work hard to establish stronger positions of the U and its member states on M r. Him a m r. Well, then vaccinations, huh? I think you just put it in the right stand. The biggie? Sure. Is that how hopefully fate can be maintained? And I think many member states are struggling in this appreciation every moment how we can guarantee that the vaccination is safe all times how we can make sure that citizens have fate in vaccinations. These are the crucial issues. Indeed. Um, in December 2018 Council adopted a recommendation on this topic. We see that it’s time to two implement thehe create actions at the member state on the commission level. We still have work to do, uh, access to shorty. Access to medicines, sorted cheese off. Action is vaccines are a growing challenge. Also for holy you. One other thing needs that vaccine market is actually very concentrated, which, um, means that four companies actually produce almost 90% off all vaccines in the world so were challenged by different kind off issues which are all related eventually that that how public fate to vaccination be maintained. Well Ah, we have some questions about gets. Yes, have some. Let me see your cancer. Yes, well, you member states share the common challenge. Definitely, as population is aging rapidly on, the same questions are coming all the way up. The one question is that what we can do better what we can do more effectively. But these are the challenges which we are facing. Also, the coalition government and finish politics have even quite a demands to make sure that we can be more effective in the treatment. How do we care about people? But we also welcome all imports, aiming at strengthening the U cooperation in the such a topic digital health. It’s that we’d be the last one. So, um, you know that Butland invests a lot in digitalization on DDE. We have done quite a wiki forced by ourselves, but I believe that we have to focus on the fact that citizens are using service is, um technical advice is which are monitoring all the time, their health. It is not any more easy to say that we just can’t carry on with the old patterns. So I believe that we need to do more in the member states. We must provide a completely new ways process. He’s at home. So new digital tools have to have the potential to enable personalized medicine. But also they can give a great growth in such a field in you. So the question is how to get a better use off health data. Finland’s Experience East that we need to have a good legislation off a new act on secondary use off health and social data enables the secure use off health and social data for research, development on innovation activities, as well as education and knowledge management beauties. So I’m challenging all of you. Shouldn’t we do more? I believe that we should. This is one off the initiatives which were pushing now full board because I think that we should share more. We have ah, good practices in the member states. We need to do more to to find a better tools, to make sure that we can cure people. We can get a gain health growth in this field, but also we can serve people better in order to maintain their health. Thank you. Thank you for the very clear messages. S O. I will now give the floor to 12 speakers before the whole ah round of questions. Um, starting with Paco pads from tpp. Inquire Burt’s opinion Shovel new transit by Mr Birdseye Jenko years That’s what are the chances. Thank you very much. I too, have a specific question to you as to whether in the framework offthe e finished priorities, you would have a more efficient campaign against cancer. I think that is the biggest killer. In fact, in our century. So perhaps a broader initiative might be started under your presidency tohave a enhanced, um, campaign against a cancer on dhe to use the experience that countries have. But you do need to have more money for that purpose to create the right sort of for basis. Therefore, for the health, the systems to function more appropriately and to be able to combat cancer more quickly. Thank you. Thank you for sng, regardless, nor President’s narim nuestra such a benvinda. There’s jack study and they’re not set out with passion. Thank you very much indeed, Minister and thank you so much for being here with us. Now we’ve listened to the focus that Finland is blazing on mainstreaming health, but it’s not. It’s also very important to take into account the public sector and decisions there with regard to health as well. This is the difficulty because we understand now that this focus will also be prevalent in the Finnish presidency period. But we hope that it will lead to better well being Onda prosperity I’d like to talk to about mortality in Europe today from non contagious diseases. Thes diseases represent 0.8% off GDP loss. Now the stress that this presidency is putting on prevention for these diseases, it’s something that’s very important. Will you be taking that into account as well? Thank you. You did well, them enemies. Madam Minister, I’m sorry to have to repeat what’s already been said, but it’s such a big problem. Cancers of responsible for the death of one point 4,000,000 European citizens annually 600,000 children included in that figure. Now we have improved diagnoses and treatment plans, but an awful lot remains to be done when it comes to prevention. Research on in particular using artificial intelligence. Also, when it comes to access to innovations and the inclusion of handicaps when it comes to treating the cancer, the new president of the European Commission unveiled a European plan to combat pant cancer on Now I would like to make a suggestion to our chairman to amend the budget, which will label us to finance this amendment. But how will the Finnish presidency take on board and flank financially? In particular? These initiatives thank you for the Greens team is thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to formulate the question on front off pack nutrition labeling. Indeed, several EU member states have started to introduce front off pack nutritional labels on the voluntary biases. Color coding on the new tree school scheme, in particular, has been shown to help consumers to boast, compare so nutritional quality off products and to make healthier food push a zing decisions. A couple of months ago, European Citizen Initiative was launched, calling Pause Amanda Terry rollout off you tree score across the European Union. My question is now with the European Commission’s report on existing or front of pack labels about to be released. How does a Finnish presidency intend to force the discussions towards a harmonized you approach to simply fight nutrition labeling in the interest of consumers and the single market? Thank you. And wishing you all the best for this next six months. Thank you. There is no speaker for I d again. So we moved to DC Are you a narc? Obscene scalp gently upon your troubled me, Johnson means thank you very much. Chair. Um, administer. My second question refers to, um am are that this is something which has been addressed already, but I do have another question, but it’s an interesting and important issue because as a doctor, I do support all measures in order to combat resistance to the bacteria and anti bacteria resistance. Um, no buying the year 2050 The resistance to antibiotics is going to be a major issue, and in fact, it’s going to, um, be exponential. And could Sze affect millions of people buy that data? So, in reference to the prognosis from the World Bank, we’re talking about health economy on this is a concept that this covers areas such as health on dhe s social economy’s. But I do think that it’s important to promote the health measures on dhe antibiotics. Resistance is not only a new problem on day one of the targets of the you, therefore should be tohave an agenda established Emma 4 a.m. R. And to be able to cooperate more closely with international organizations on also with the developed countries and to use their potential there too. So my question is, what sort of measures which you have on am are specifically from the Finnish presidency. Thank you. Thank you. So I’m sorry, but you’re you’re supposed to have one minute, so please stick to the rules. Um, for the grey, Onya has a camp. Yeah, Duncanville without administered. Thank you, Madam Minister. And welcome. There are two issues that I would like to address. First of all, agricultural poison. There’s a delay in looking at active substances on There are certain poisons which are very, very dangerous and stay on the market for too long as a result of that. So what are you going to do to clear the backlog that member states have in assessing these active substances? So that automatic extensions, procedural extensions for the use off these poisons could be stopped. Secondly, then I think that if you look at the climate crisis and by the diversity we in doing away with active substances and looking at farming more closely, we can avoid certain issues. I think eating more fruit and vegetable are the way forward on DDE, therefore reducing our livestock on the breeding. And I’d like to ask you what you will do to make this a reality in the future. Thank you. Okay. For the e p p net article, I was telling the men in the Thank you very much indeed, Madam Minister, The children’s health is a vital question, but health and marketing for food stuffs is, uh, no, really that easy to manage either. So I’m looking to hear from you what you’re going to do to try to restrict marketing practices targeting children for foods with high sugar concentrations in fact, concentrations and also tried to introduce, perhaps, um, restrictions on those products when it comes to enter crying disruptors. This has been mentioned. They’re very prevalent in our daily lives on dhe. They are affecting our health. So would this also be a priority issue for you during the presidency and would you, for example, introduced the same identification criteria for endocrine disruptors as the ones that have already been adopted for pesticides and bio sides on Apply that for all products then, including those products that are currently used in toys and cosmetics. Thank you very much indeed for S and D C Movil can. Thank you Chair Dear Miscue, Thanks for being here with us today. The new You regulation of medical devices is due to become fully applicable and made to serve and 20. So let’s than a year away The new regulations essential to improve and strengthen the regulatory system and ensure that patients and public health is protected. But it’s the same time enabling safe access to the news. Most innovative technologies to offer new diagnostic and fear. Partick possibilities. Doing the EPS co session on June to sell the 19 the Irish and German delegation raised much concern in relation to the ability and capacity off notified bodies for medical devices. Under this new regulation, it seems that there will be significantly less notified bodies in place than currently existing, making its move transition less likely to impossible. What will your presidency do do in order to make sure that the medical devices regulation can become fully applicable as planned in May 27 and 20. And how will you guarantee that there will be enough notified bodies in place? Thank you very much. Thank you. So we moved to renew their wedding here and well again. Thank you. Chair Madam Lebanese Madam Minister. European citizenshealth also includes combating the risks linked to sub dangerous substances in our environment and in our consumer products. So, are you going to take measures to guarantee the respect for the reach regulation which guarantees the registration of dangerous substances? The commission currently deems that endocrine disruptors on a sexual basis. It’s being analyzed. But will you make sure that this procedure, in a fragmented way, will not delay the elaboration or drafting of a common framework? Regulation then, Madam Minister, can you also tell us how you will influence the impact assessment across European policies for at the health of public health and children’s health? Thank you for the peopie Cindy Frandsen. Thank you, Chairman. First of all, I would like to turn the Minister for the presentation off the priorities of the finished presidency. I welcome the attention towards in economy off the well being and there’s implies a good health for all of our citizens. There is a clear at its value in this field, especially in the fight against cancer as mentioned by many colleagues. But a good health and well being means also that we have to ensure a healthy environment and that we have to guarantee safe products. And as already mentioned by Mrs Funder Lane, we need to move towards a cross cutting strategy to protect citizens held from pollution by addressing air and water quality by addressing industrial emissions and end the crying disruptors. Also the council school towards the Commission to ensure a high level of protection off human health and our environment in general by minimizing exposure toe end up crying disruptors forces in that direction. So therefore I hope to finish presidency will start consultancies between the Parliament Commission and the Council to achieve a comprehensive and balance strategy, especially for programmed women and for young children. Thank you. Thank you for Snd crystal shadowing mother attack today some stadium card. I did. I did our hero yas still Wang Shu Mai. Thank you very much. Well as a Social Democrat. It’s really great to hear that you also committed to this and pushing well being a couple of quick questions for you. The 1st 1 where we’ve already heard it now concerns health, a CZ related to air pollution in Europe. This is a big problem in Europe. What are you going to do for the presidency? To ensure that member states are much better at respecting the rules that currently exists? And what can we make sure to do to make sure they do respect those rules? Another question touched on by other colleagues Already, this concerns dangerous substances in our daily lives. This is a big problem for us, but we have to get rid of all of these dangerous substances. And it’s particularly difficult because, yeah, apparently the member states are an obstacle to this. So is there something that we can be doing now to get rid of all these dangerous substances in our daily lives? Thank you for Nana Ski AA attendance shows Constantine knew. Thank you very much. Now I would like to ask my bad minister to givers, said the finished approach as concerns a social welfare. Four refugees on dhe my immigrants especiales concerns the realistic organization and functioning of a health from interactive system and support. Thank you. Okay, so, um, we are at the end of the second round but there are still a limited never off requests for every piece for questions. So forget Shii we have Let’s see 34 minutes. So they’re in two requests from me pp not to request for me. E p p. Here. You won’t. You won’t. Okay, one from you and one from the greens. You are from a BB as well. It’s a bit too much for me pp. Unless all the other groups except, uh, you’re not well, it’s a question of proportion. Better should do. You want us to remind Ah, the move. Okay, so let’s start with two m p. P. Sorry. Otherwise very imbalanced. What gave Mr Bush? Thank you very much, Chairman, I hope health would be a priority for your presidency. Beside the important issues like cancer vaccine, hesitancy, antimicrobial resistance he helped on the project between Estonia and Finland is a very important access. Better access to help which are also discussed during Romanian presidency. And we expect toe advance during your presidency. We have some legislative all those years. One is, ah, the health program, which for the first time will not be a separate one, but partof sf plus and the European Parliament proposed a small increase off the budget, and I hope that this increase off the budget will remain in the final discussions. Hd a. Understand that it is difficult to guarantee that will have a result. But please try hard because otherwise, if these are great chance toe a big chance toe be frozen and it will be a pity for European patients. And also, European Commission is getting an evaluation off for you, blood and tissues and says legislation expected this autumn and I would like to know if the presidency will make steps towards this in the council. Q. Still smoke her out? Gadhafi. Yes, but she didn’t thank you very much indeed, Chairman of the Brief. I think that well, we’ve talked about three very important things today. Antimicrobial resistance, cancer and mental health. And it’s clear that the National Public Health systems in Europe are making progress in terms of research and more resources on dhe. Also improving diagnostics and treatment for our citizens who have thes diseases. But I really think that we need to do more and put more effort into prevention. We’ve worked an awful lot on prevention against alcoholism, drug addiction and to improve nutrition. For example, we’ve also worked a lot on improving the work to combat said and tourism and so on. But we’ve also been working on managing emotions, managing loneliness, stress depression on duh. When you have a healthy mind, you also have a healthy body. That’s true. But I’d like to ask you Minister the following following during the Finnish presidency these six months, what measures will you be putting on the table to try to improve prevention, particularly those three areas? Cancer, antimicrobial resistance on mental health? Thank you very much indeed. Thank you for the greens with Paris. Thank you image. And this is just a friendly reminder that I maybe I just visited by that didn’t really get a kn answer my questions before. And I have a second question concerning trade agreements because at the moment there’s rumors that medicines which are registered in the United States of America may come to European market without having to be registered again. It’s at a M. And I would like to know What’s your opinion on that? Okay. And the last one will be for this year with them, you scamp. Thank you, John Circle junkie, college money chair man. Minister, I’d like to ask you about said the details off the European does strategy for mental health. I mean, it sounds very serious and interesting, but it’s important also that young people should become digitally independent. This is something which we have to look out but also to take measures against. You’ve said that discussion has to also take place at the Member States level. But I do think also that we ought to look more closely into this particular issue off a digital addiction. And, um, you know the concept off. Ah, the issue off a blood donation. But a lot of people are being disqualified from donating blood on blood. Donors are being excluded from this possibility. So is this something that we could have a closer look at? Thank you. So we took all the questions in a balanced way from a political point of view. So you have five minutes to try to go to the conclusions. Maybe maybe seven. Well, quite a challenge. Simon. Let’s let’s see how far I can get about the food chemicals. The U has a complete set off legislation on food safety, and we have a strong institutions, a car, and if so, which you’re doing a good work in this field. We definitely need strong monitoring on chemicals. But most importantly, we need the herdsmen full chain to take the responsibility, starting from primary production up to retail operators to ensure sait productive for consumers. It is not easy thing to do, but we also have to admit that when we face the challenges, we have to follow the European legislation on be strict on this issue. What comes to MMM, what comes to endocrine disruptors? There were similar questions related to this topic, So finish presidency aims at making sure that all measures needed will be included in the work program off off a new commission with a clear debt lines that are ambitious enough. The best way to create a common framework to endocrine disruptors at the you level would be to develop a strategy on known toxic environment as soon as possible, possible uh, in accordance with the seventh You Environment Action program. Well, about the nutrition label. A few words about that, too. Um, the council is is awaiting that. The outcome off the assist mint by commission off the different front, off back labeling schemes used in different member states. Their impact on the internal market on dhe. They need too few their organization in this field shoot commission decide to proposed any changes to current legal framework. We are ready to launch the examination off such proposals without delay. Then some questions about, um implementation off the U medical devices Regulation The situation with the implementation race licked inmate concerns. Let me. The presidency is following the issue closely. We’re ready to work together with the member states, the Commission on the European Parliament to find solutions Should this turn out to be necessary, we’ll see. But I think we have to work hardly with the issue. Um, you a few words about trucks? Andi? Um well, drugs. Sorry that I couldn’t dance earlier. We do agree that Ah, holistic approach to truck problem is important. We see what happens all over the Europe, sir. We should be more investing in prevention. But also to the a group of okay, trucks are related to, for example, mental health issues on dhe. We need to find common ways to work together in the member states, and I think multi sexual work here is it’s definitely needed. Some of you asked about the mental health. This is silly. You like I said when I When I how does a speech earlier? I think it’s one off the biggest challenges in Europe. If we don’t face that challenge early enough, we gonna lose the game Lord over. Young people are without education without possibility to chop markets. These are the questions which are challenging us. It is not all about the education. It’s all about well being, too. On the these issues should be taking lots more seriously in your countries. So I definitely welcome all initiatives in this field. We hot some questions about one question about the future of the you Health Corporation. As we see how many challenges we have, we definitely should think that the public health is a common concern. Also in the U level. What can we do together better? I believe that that we have to shank, turn the cooperation with such topics? Definitely. Yeah. What already? Zis EES. Thanks, old friend. We need something. Did we miss anyone’s question? Hopefully, no, no. Everybody seemed frustration. Well, that’s part of the well being strong. Yeah. So I’m very delighted that I had these minutes in front of you. I definitely courage. You work hardly promoting health, promoting people’s well being in Europe. It’s all us who can do it. So you have a strong role. Please support our work will support yours. I think we have to find, um, actors who already to see what’s in stake if we don’t do anything. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for the inspiring conclusion. And as you can see, there is a lot off appetite in this committee to work on health issues. So sure that we will work together. We will start again. Our committee work no deceptive five at 5 p.m.

Tuesday 23 July 2019, 17.00 – 18.30


1. “Delivering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – The EU’s first joint review of progress at the UN High Level Political Forum of July 2019 and the preparation of the UN Sustainable Development Summit of September 2019


  • • Exchange of views with Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development




Good afternoon. We’re gonna start Good afternoon and welcome. This is the first joint Envy Davor committee meeting on the Well, the progress we are making on the U. N. High level that sustainable development goals. I’m very much welcoming Commissioner Mitchell. Who? Uh, Who will inform us as a joint committee on the progress being made and, um, just more for the housekeeping, which is important. What we will do is we will, because the commissioner has until six o’clock. So this means we have to be a bit efficient, so we will try to do so. So what we are doing is that we are doing a catch the eye. So everyone that wants to raise a question has to raised the flag, so to say, s so that everyone so that we know who wants to ask a question, and we will make a list for that. And we hope that everyone can get its turn. But of course, it depends on how much interest there is because, according to our estimation, we will have time for 15 or 16 questions. Everyone will have one minute for that. So prepare a question for one minute so that we really have an efficient time to do that. As I said, this is the 1st 1 that we are jointly engaging in monitoring the implementation of the sustainable development goals and the delivery off the 2030 agenda in February are two committees already organized a public hearing where Commissioner First Vice President Timmermans presented the commission’s reflection paper on where we also heard about the preparation of the global sustainable development reports as well as the set up of each member state in a concrete delivery off each SDG sustainable development goal. Following this hearing, um, the house said the European Parliament has adopted the resolution in March 2018. So this year on the S E gs, in which it clearly favors the first in areas set out in the reflection paper off the commission for how the you might take forward the S e jeez, meaning that the Commission should propose an overarching strategy for the implementation off the S e jeez by the U and the member states, including external and internal policies. So we are very much looking forward to your presentation, commissioner. But I first I would like to give the floor now to my dear colleague, Mr Thomas Toby, the chair of the Committee on Developments. Thank you, Mr Akao, on Dhe. I also would like to say that I think it’s really nice that we can start this’ll parliamentary term to have both committees that actually work on sustainable development, that we can do this together and, of course, to have the commissioner present. I think I would also take the opportunity to say that I think it’s important for our two committees but also show leadership within the European Union, the European Parliament, to make sure that the SD jeez are fully implemented to the European policies. As you know, the U. N. Secretary General underlined that the despite the progress that we see in the number off areas in the past four years on some of the gold’s progress, has been slow or even reversed in September. World leaders we need to reflect on these challenges when they meet for the first STD summit since 2015. Our two committees will also attend the summit. But therefore I’m very pleased that the Commissioner Mika who boss ah, the itch tpf last week present that you review with us today. This review notably includes the Joint Center. This report on the supporting the sustainable development goes across the bulb. It is a joint report because it highlights action both by the member states and the U in support off developing countries efforts to reach destiny Jeez. So may I ask Commissioner Mika to brief us on the meeting and the preparation on the STD Summit in the September Commissioner Me. Mika, you have the four for 10 minutes. Thank you very much indeed. Very good afternoon on our members on very warm welcome at the beginning of the new parliamentary season toe all of the members of the devil and and the committee especially toe new ones and equally one will come back to many familiar friends among you. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is one of the most important topics your two committees will address in the coming years. I hope I can provide a useful overview from last week’s high level political forum on help Prepare 40. As the G summit in September in New York went of forum meets again at the level off heads of state and government 2030 agenda represents a major shift in the way we approach development because of its universality and broad scope. It’s transcends the issue off poverty eradication, tow, cover, all aspects off sustainable development, social, economic and environmental. And it applies to all countries, including to the European Union and our members states. European Union played a major role in devising the agenda and we remain determined to make every effort to promote its implementation at home and across the world. This year marks the end off the 1st 4 year cycle off the forum and in September review off its functioning will be launched. Last week’s meeting helped to set the scene for September, with the European Union playing a prominent and constructive role. One positive sign was that the draft political declaration, the main output for the September summit, was agreed in principle by all one U N. Member states already before the July July for room. This was not to given in view off the challenges we often had in the past to reach agreed outcomes and the increasing pressure under which the multilateral system is at the moment. European Union had a major hand in shaping the document. It is a focus text containing useful language on some off our key priorities on gender, human rights, environment and climate policy, coherence, multilateralism and data monitoring and evaluation. We want to use this commonly agreed declaration to promote faster action on the sustainable development goals over the coming months and years. And I hope you’re the European Parliament can help us in that the United Nations, in effect, aim to launch a decade of action under goals in September. In the statement I delivered on behalf of the European Union and member states at the plenary, I stressed that our commitment to the 2030 agenda remains unwavering Defect that 26 out of our 28 member states have ordered the presented voluntary National Review’s is a testament to that importantly. For the first time, the European Union as a whole presented our own review off progress. Commissioner Bella and I co hosted a side event together with the Finnish presidency of the Council Toe highlight the steps taken by the European Union and member states to implement the SD jeez both internally and externally. One thing was evident from the start. The world expect us to be in the lead. Toby in the lead over global efforts to implement the 2030 agenda. The event generated very strong interest and drew high praise from many sites included by the United Nations Deputy Secretary General. We were able to make a convincing case for Europe as a trailblazer in a sustainable development based on important recent you document Firstly, the Reflection paper towards a sustainable Europe 2030 which we published in January this year, which sets out key priorities for moving forward with the use, sustainability, transition and developing a foolish circular economy. Creating a sustainable food system. Greening energy and mobility. Reinforcing the European pillow off social rights and gearing all our horizontal policy tools from education and digitalization to finance and taxation towards this objective. Secondly, there there is a certain as the G progress report published by your A start in June, which confirmed that the European Union has made progress towards almost all goals all by al biting, some slower than others, notably when it comes to some off the environmental goals, greater efforts are needed, and suddenly the 2019 report on policy coherence for development compliments this picture outlining how European Union policy’s takes take into account the potential impact on developing countries and finally, the first ever joined synthesis report on the implementation of the 2017 European Consensus on Development. It provided an overview off the efforts off the European Union and its member states in support off Esther. Jeez implementation in developing countries in our partner countries, the consensus has been widely recognized as a crucial contribution to the implementation of the 2030 agenda globally, and I’m grateful to the European Parliament for having worked hand in hand with us in the council to make it possible. It gets sport innovative new actions such as our Africa Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investments and Jobs and our external investment plan sets to leverage 44,000,000,000 euros off new investments in Africa in the European Union neighborhood by 2020 and possibly 10 times as much under our next multi annual financial financing framer. It has been the basis for a new way of working with partners, including with multilateral organizations and in particular with the United Nations, as demonstrated by our 500,000,000 euros Spotlight Initiative to end all forms off violence against women and girls. Examples like these resonated directly with stakeholders present at our side event, including with representatives from the civil society, private sector and academia. But the message was clear. Toby, truly influential in pushing for the implementation of the SD Jeez, internationally, we must be able to show that we are implementing them very actively by ourselves at home and when it comes to a sustainable development to reaching the cistern ability of development. We are all developing countries. We all have work to do. This means stepping up positive action to further embed system ability across the use portfolios. Addressing this parliament last week, commissions President elect also life on the line highlighted the importance he tends to give to the sustainable development goals by refocusing the European semester to make sure we stay on track. It is a very encouraging proposition and one of which, I hope the European Parliament will be a Walker supporter. Externally, we need to make the positive momentum towards the new financial instrument for international cooperation, development and in our future programming. The European Union is the world’s biggest development actor, providing almost 75,000,000 billions off euros off official development assistance last year and that is almost 60% off all global or D A in the world deal and on its member states. We are really the biggest global global development actor, but and the official development assistance remains our strong development financing instrument in especially in global poverty and dedication, and especially in Lee’s developed countries and in fragile contexts. But our contribution to the S DJ agenda is no longer only od a centered. We are increasingly working on forging and effective mics off eight private investment and domestic resources in our financing for development modalities. And most importantly, we don’t aspire, Toby, only the biggest development actor in the world, we aspire to be the best one, and being the best means partnering with all other developments take orders in implementing the 2030 as the G agenda. We shall stay strong if not the strongest on the global level on keeping our development and climate excellent closely aligned, uh, with human rights based approach also aligned on human development, engagement on policy, coherence for development, on coherence between our development, humanitarian migration and peace and security policies in the margins off the high level political forum. We discussed with Partners Ways Toe Accelerate SDG Implementation, focusing on national planning, financing and monitoring. We are working to promote the concept off integrated national financing frameworks to mobilize resources off all types, private and public, domestic and international, and to line them with SDG implementation. High level political forum also provided me with the opportunity to hold a serious of bilateral meetings, for instance, with both the outgoing and incoming directors, generals off the Food and Agriculture Organization, and to convey the European Union’s perspective at a serious offside events. I would like to highlight the successful event we co hosted with the government’s off France, Spain and Mexico on the links between inequality and climate change. It’s allowed toe showcase the European Union’s commitment toe tackling inequality in all its dimensions, building on this year’s European development days. This is an issue on which I hope the parliament will continue to focus during this legislature. Honorable members, we clearly have a huge and hugely important task ahead of us. The new parliament and the New commission are important opportunities toe accelerated the European Union’s work on the sustainable development goals. I welcome the efforts of both committees in the previous parliamentary session toe mainstream the 2030 agenda more widely through the parliament and hope this work continues being the commission. Look forward to working closely video in coming months and years, and I personally look forward to seeing many of you in September for the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. So we now do our first round questions. As I said, it’s one minute each so that we can have as many questions as possible. So the 1st 1 would be my colleague, Mr Booth, on behalf of E P. P. Thank you very much here. It’s the president. The commission take very much here as it was already said, This is the G’s are not an objective in themselves, but they will help us tow to improve the world. Among the 17 goals I’d concentrate on goal number three, where is related directly tohave here. Of course, we’re being better than other regions in the world. But even of the world level summer important progresses were made in the last years. Less death in child. Many do tow vaccination are so maternal mortality fallen the incidents off HIV fallen also due to the anti retroviral therapy which changing in good many parts of the world Tuberculosis, malaria incidents are less but still tuberculosis a problem. It is not only in other continents, but even you. Some countries from the Central East, Europe and in the south of Europe. My question is first, we should improve also our objectives and we should improve our situation. But how? We can contribute toe achieve the goal Number three worldwide. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Second question on behalf of S and D Mr. Bowman, Yemen. Uh, commissioner minutes, please allow me to thank you for what you did because I think the whole Parliament is grateful for the way in which you pushed forward for the U. N S t Jeez, and you gave us today again a lesson off what is to be done in the forthcoming months and years. Let me pick on one question. We are in the middle of off a holistic exercise and if we look to our foreign policies, trade development policies, where we bring together different elements off political spheres agriculture, environment, social policies, economic policies. How can we link all our attempts to improve the situation with the crucial question off inequality which you rightly mentioned? Inequality is the main obstacle in our few against empowerment off people and ownership for the better. So give us an advice. Give us some hints. Some ideas off, what we can do to better monitor and to improve our policies. Thank you. Next question. On behalf of Renew, Madame Agata regards Hamas Monk Front for the speaker, please. Which after that. Here. Thank you very much indeed. Andi. Thank you. Fuel presentation. I just like to point out the fact that the SDG agenda is an ambitious one with a clear shift, the focus in mind. And as such, I think the European Union European Commission should take up this leadership right to the end on dhe. Crucially, we need to be able to set out a clear agenda for indicators and reference values, which our objectives so that between now and 2030 we can have impact assessments carried out to make sure that before the deadline, we know how we need to redefined our policies and pursue new policies and indeed rechannel funding for that if we manage to achieve the SD G’s and if that’s it’s going to happen, we need to increase the budget. We’ve seen this in the environment area. We need 25% more funding there. But we also need to show leadership of development countries to make sure that they are freeing up the funds. Because if we don’t see more funds pouring in than the development countries will not be able to achieve the STDs by the deadline. Onda As such, I think European leadership can be used. You should be used to galvanize uh, the developing countries in the countries that we work with to get the funds available as well. Thank you very much for me Off the greens, madam. Too soon. Matthew must thank you very much about Commissioner The report presented. Murders show that so the objectives of forces enable development will not be achieved. The two issues are linked because that we know that a member mental degradation is something which of course, hit some those who are no more precarious state on dhe. You see that millions of victims in Mozambique this summer year $3,000,000,000 wasted on DDE. This is just a drop in them at the ocean basically is concerned some world world needs, but we have to look at who is responsible. We have an ecological debt tomorrow which is turning our back on climate change. Now you bundle scored that We need tohave additional financing made available on that Should that come from the state but also from applying the polluter pays principle and you have for 25 companies who in fact are responsible for 2070% of greenhouse gas emissions on dhe. We know that the mechanisms not working on dhe said those that are responsible for by mental pollution basically would need to put into the common part. We need to acted therefore and have some sort of coherence and integrated policy four sustainable development within our European governments and also to introduce some A certain limits which would be applied in a coherent fashion for the protection of the planet on toe have additional funds earmarked for this purpose, but also to have the right sort of non Norma’s in place there too. Thank you. On behalf of idea, Madam, he said, Yeah, idea. He said, That’s nuts. Don’t. Okay, then we Move on to on behalf Off east. You are Madame Kemp. Jonquiere. Panic on Social. Thank you very much, Commissioner. Now you have talked about the SD GS on Dhe. This, of course, is a major challenge because we do have a 14 targets on 169 tasks which have to be a tackled er aan dit samo. True to see that the national Parliament surma on European parliaments that should work together in order to achieve anything. In other words, an integrated approach is necessary because of our multi sectoral rollem approach on dhe. Also, civil society has to play in a swell. We need therefore tohave from the right sort of monitoring in place. We do need to have an evaluation of any progress made that is necessary in order to make sure that national strategies can be improved. The two on all levels. So my question as to the future European Commission, are you going to look at the gaps in the strategy? Are you going to also look at so the inconsistencies? It’s a matter off strategy to 2030 and it’s also a matter off statistical data being collected. So we do need tohave, a complex strategy in order to make sure that the 2030 agenda really is achieved in time. Everyone is where everyone is on the list, but I try to do a bit according to the group size, according to Envy and Dave and also gender. Belen So but everyone is on the list and everyone will get its turn. So don’t get too nervous if not immediately being mentioned. Now on behalf of Gore. Mr Collis, thank you, Thank you, Mr Commissioner, In this climate action in New York, in the Climate Action Summit, they you must exhibit the global leadership in ambition and action and the Yes disease are inseparable from other sister agreement. The party’s accord. They are actually the political program, for it’s just an inclusive a rabbit, an orderly transition toe, carbon neutral economy. Therefore, the question is, how and when are we going to implement? Marched with 2019 European Parliament resolution and let the yesterday’s become our compass and mop? And let’s determine the strategic framework for the U. N. The member states, including their use as measured by us that as indicator benchmarks and common tigers for the next M F f Indeed, if we are to achieve the vestiges and cut our missions and 1\/2 in the next 11 years, we should establish a new climate transition. Structural funding the next M affair. Thank you. Thank you very much. Now, madam in CIA. So no, thank you so much, Chair. And thank you, Commissioner. Maybe Chuck for being here to discuss the implementation 2030 agenda. And as you also pointed out, it’s for many of us. It’s the first meeting and it is very good to start with a discussion on such an important topic. Um, and as you also expressed the you needs to take on a leadership or leading role and show that we are serious with implementing both STDs on one hand. But also, of course, they’re Paris agreement and both within the U and in our external policies. Before I had the honor of being elected as M. V. P. In this parliament, I was working with international development cooperation, among other things and with vestige ease. My experience is from the feelings that there are sometimes parallel process within the same focus, without much coordination from the side of the U and from the side of the member states. Therefore, firstly, I wonder if you could expand the bait on the effort of joint programming and how you see these efforts developing. Secondly, I wonder how you look at the potential to strengthen the right based approach in our development policies. For example, how can the you become better at promoting gender equality, not the least in regards to the September summit? And finally, I wonder in what which way? The you can become better at promoting decent work and social dialogue as a part of reducing the inequalities that nobleman and my colleague previously well expressed. Between the inequalities, of course, between the people and between the region’s thank you so much, thank you very much. And the last one off this around, Mr Governs, we’ll see, thank you have both simple question. The commission Does it have an ex ante evaluation Irma at its disposal as concerns the impact off the Mercosur Agreement summer, which is being negotiated as concerns emerge durable, sustainable development director objectives that was was very concise. Question. Thank you very much for that, Mr Commissioner, if you can answer the questions in an equally concise manner that would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for your questions and your comments on your contributions by your questions to the overall work that is in front of us off making European Union the major contributor in the implementation of the sustainable development goals. There were questions more specific, more general, but let us try to start with some specific questions. First on on the implementation off the Goal. Sustainable Development Goals three on on on a house. Actually, our contribution to the orbital human development health, of course, included education. Health is already apart off our national national indicative programs and development envelopes. Very work a lot on would like to even increase that that engagement along the tracks. One is strengthening the health system at a country level at a plant a partner country level, and the second track is supporting financially and policy rise, supporting the the vertical global initiatives that that like like Global fund for for malaria, fighting malaria, tuberculosis, HIV or or or regarding immunization initiatives, so s so by combining the two horizontal, uh, health initiatives Toto to improve the health systems responses to the health needs and bye bye bye Bye, Sir. Supporting the the concrete disease related the related global accents. We rethink that that we really could contribute a lot to the toe Human capital development, toe health systems development in the period to come on inequality. I definitely agree that this is an overarching issue that that actually could either either be a driver off the off the development actions or could substantially decreased diminish the positive impact that development developing cooperation could could have on on a globe global sustainable development goals. Ah, agenda. So therefore the should in the future be, let’s say, more focused and more resize even in our in our inequality related actions. Yes, we have on overall goal that that comes out from from the global s energy agenda and this is leaving no one behind. This is a bit, I would say, watered down, Ah, definition off the off, the inequalities off fighting inequalities goals. So, by combining leaving no one behind and our stronger action on the qualities we really could give additional boost to the to the SD GIs implementation. My reason. At this point, maybe it’s too late to have a concrete plan for a commissioner that we leave. They did the office in three months time. But I would like to see our development development policy developed in a in a direction that we the tree somehow evolved to the level of having inequalities indicators something similar that we have for gender gender related actions where we could assess easily, monitor and assess toe what extent each and every development project contributes toe toe Who inequality decreasing the inequalities in a In a societies in our in our partner countries, we have it for for gender, for for gender Excellent. There was also a question on how how we can make our gender action more more more impactful on. I would liketo tell you that that under our gender excellent plan way have put a clear goal that 80 at least 85% off all of our development projects must be gender relevant. We are now closing toe 70% of our over our development actions to be gentle, relevant Andrei would liketo somehow to see it similarly in the Indian a quality area monitoring in general and improving the accountability of our development action is important part of the overall sustainable development goals. Implementation. It’s no longer timeto count money we put into the development projects we really have turn from from input to output, tow counting and and and focusing on what we get out of our off our development projects. In that context, the outcome of development Corporation is and will be more and more important, part of our of our development policy and our contribution to the implementation of sustainable development goals. Yes, the European Union will be, and I’m confident that we shall continue to be the strongest global actor in in in development policy. This will be reflected hopefully video video understanding, video recognition video contribution This this will be reflected in the in the Indy next the mmf. Mmm. Because what the European Commission has proposed is an increase off almost 30% for all external actions, including Development Corporation. So having better capacity toe, toe to toe be the global leader in a development funding goes line in line with our responsibility toe find the best way off monitoring off, off, keeping the accountability of our development actions off course there could be and there are sometimes gaps in our strategies, sometimes overlapping, you know, it’s not to do, especially having in mind it too. There are 28 member states and European budget or European instruments that are that are contributing to Toto sustainable development goals implementation. Therefore, we already started during during the last or this is still current FF way started with better drawing programming exercise. We do it now in almost 40 countries in order with our member states but also with some off certain countries. A swell like Australia, sometimes Norway kind of Japan us as well s o in a future m affair, friend in the implementation of a sustainable development goal, this joint programming will be even even more and more relevant and important. Ah, on ah on the link between as the Jason and Paris Agreement and between the sustainable development goals and climate action, we don’t have toe say much more than than the fact to point out the fact that the overall concept of sustainable development goal is about cistern ability about including end of our environmental concerns, climate concerns into in tow into development actions. And this is what we shall do so under under the under our consensus for development and this consensus for development. Actually, somebody might even look at it as our strategy for implementation off the sustainable development goal. But I fully understand the call that comes from, especially from the parliament and from the civil service Society as well that the European Union should develop even more concrete. More details, strategy off implementation of development goals more concrete than than the consensus European consensus for development is so. I see that this should be the direction of travel for the for the next commission. Indeed that is that is part of the off the off the answers on microsort um uh, being minutes, as in all of our for free trade agreements, negotiations we do did the impact assessments before beforehand Exanta, eso And this has been done also for for the free trade agreement with the, uh with Merkel story actually too sustainable or sustainability impact assessment have been done. And 11 internal, one external assessment and all of them shows they did it against even even sustainable gains that that would come from from this big, even the biggest free trade agreement that we have ever concluded. And it’s not only big in terms of off volume of trade that that it covers. But also, it is big in terms off innovative, innovative parts off the off the agreement and standards that that are covered by by by Mercosul agreement. Okay. Thank you, Commissioner. We go one on with them or questions from members and first from MPP married McInnis. Thank you, Commissioner. On. Thank you colleagues just in observation. I’m glad you reminded us that the goals also refer to the European Union because we have a habit off putting them off shore if you like. My second observation question relates to sustainable agriculture and food security and nutrition because the F a O report is quite grim on the findings as to the lack of progress being made on those issues on. I’ve just managed to read part of their report, and I think one of the issues they highlight, M is that there is a reduction in public investment in agriculture. And I wonder, is the European Union are we doing sufficient in the developing world to support agriculture because it points to the problem for small scale farmers not having the resources on. And I think research and knowledge transfer that is appropriate to the regions is what is really needed. And are we doing enough there? Because this f a O report itself is saying that their findings are grim and I think that’s very disappointing. Four years down the road. Thank you. Never miss an D. Monica consults Mike. Fun for the speaker, please. It will be. I’m sorry. Yes, thank you very much indeed, Jim. And thank you to you, commissioner. And I’m here in this committee to talk about the passionate subject off the S. D. G s and the 2030 agenda on Dhe. I know that you’ve done a lot of work since 2014 to move ahead with things like the European investment plan for Africa, which has seen an investment of 44,000,000 euros. But the commission, I know has been little bit slow in terms of integrating the SD G’s into the public agenda off the commission. But I agree with you. European Parliament now needs to develop more concrete proposals. Then what has been covered in the consensus that was adopted by the Council on Parliament in the commission in 2017. The European Union now needs to show leadership to push back against this attack on multilateralism that we’re seeing from Russia and the U. S. A. And we need to lead on three concrete issues. First of all, reducing inequality. Obviously, general quality is key to sustainable development and is at the heart of European Union values. On there’s the spotlight initiative that you led that it’s very in important amongst others. But we mustn’t forget the cross cutting nature off this from the importance off. Integrating the idea of diversity and LGBT rights and inabilities, then second leads the issue of cross cutting policies. We need to create links with local actors and NGOs Onda, local authorities at regional local level. And thirdly, we need to have a fair transition to be able to promote environmental transitioning in vulnerable areas of the world. In Latin America, well, that’s important. But then there’s of course, Africa as well, which is, you know, not at all responsible for climate change, but being harvest hit to buy it. Last year we adopted and I think the European Union was a very important player when it come comes to the refugee plan globally. But our colleague Enrique Guerrero spoke on on a number of occasions off the importance of regulating things. Climate change issues. So my question is, then what can we do for the end of your mandate to come up with a concrete proposal to regulate the issue of climate? Refugees were at a key point in history. Now, on this issue needs to be resolved before the end of this commission. Thank you. Thank you. We try to keep in within one minute from Renew Katherine Goble. Well, thank you, Commissioner. I’m ah, happy to see this meeting take place because we have both for committees participating here. I have a general question. I am, ah, newly elected M e p. So I do share the ambition of for the commission today. But I’m just wondering, why is it that some Theo the SD G’s huh are being drawn out? Why not some, uh, under the Paris agreement, some or in because of the strategy in terms off what the commission intends to do. How is it that we can really make sure that we do dub Taylor a line all all for those strategies in the future. Thank you. Thank you. Then from e cr, I’m not so Let’s go. But Nick um, several. No, of course, Sam, as you, we want tohave sustainable development achieved in the best manner possible. However, in order to do that really must be eager on this. I think that good examples and best practice can be thrown up in order to show what could be done on December, thereby be more specific in terms of future planning. On what? As to what needs to be done now. You commissioner participated in the preparations for the future budget. Where are the priorities proposed him there in? Because I think that a lot of priorities seem to be mutually exclusive. And if you think of agriculture, for example, we cannot accept them less money. Being a martyr for agriculture, you need to have more funds or put into that sector. Can I have an answer to that? Please give from idea Dominic Building Nexium is you’ve got me set up was because you thank you, Commissioner, for those explanations, of course, the SD G’s are important, but what we contest is that they be integrated under the European semester because the member states, over time we’ll lose all autonomy in particular when it comes to energy policy where the EU is going for new build energy without reservations. Even though we know that wind energy it can be particularly irksome. If you look at euro step statistics, then one realizes that the devil is in the detail. It is interesting to note that the reports presents trade growth with developing countries as a positive. But in fact those countries include China and they practice massive dumping Visa VI our industry. Then there’s imports from the least developed countries, including some French speaking countries, and those imports only account for 2% of the total on the report also points to the fact that China has an increasing influence on the African continent. Continent on 25% of their trade is done with China and therefore they’ve ever thinking. Theo, you So how can we make sure that day lest they depend less on China and that the African continent doesn’t become theirs? Rory Portman. Thank you. Uh, by this time tomorrow, one of our member states will have a new Prime minister. Ah, a new prime minister who has spoken about closing down the U. K’s Department of International Development who has talked about reducing drastically the U. K’s international aid budget. Who has spoken about realigning the U. K’s international aid and development policy to support commercial interests and not exclusively the eradication of poverty ot the delivery of sustainable development around the world. I think this is a big moment for people who care about multilateralism, internationalism on the global effort to deliver the sustainable development goals. So, Commissioner, perhaps, if you had a message for incoming Prime Minister Johnson this evening, what might that message be? Thank you from the new Martin hold. Thank you, Andi. Commissioner, I’m very pleased that you talked a lot about monitoring, which is a bit boring, but it’s very important if the’s high level political forums are really to understand whether the sustainable development goals and their 230 indicators are actually being met or not. And we in the wealthiest countries are very used to hold population data onto the sophisticated manipulation of data. But worldwide, it is poorest people who are the most likely to be excluded altogether from official data on If you look at the poorest 20% surveys suggest that nearly half of their children under five do not even have their births registered The most basic piece of information leading to later problems of legal identity, of the protection of rights, of access to health care. And we can never be sure if the poorest are being left behind or not. So my question is really whether the commission in the European Union will invest in civil registration and administrative data systems to make sure that the poorest and most vulnerable are not invisible in this whole process. Thank you. And then the last question to Eleanora every Yeah, I suppose it in the head. Thank you. Chair on. Thank you, Commissioner. I’m over here. First of all, thank you for all of the work you’ve done up until now. During your mandate, I would reiterate a request made by other colleagues, which was also the subject of a resolution by this parliament during the previous ledger Visitor which is in relation to the global strategy to implement the agenda 2030 so that it includes clear measures, clear deadlines. And so that’s basically some kind of monitoring system, some kind of measurement tool be included in the entire set up a state of the art measuring tool is what the Parliament called for during the previous legislature. Now you touched upon it today in your address, but I think we’re at a crossroads. I think this you really needs to put in place this global strategy and implemented properly and previous speaker mentioned children. What children are experiencing within on outside the U is horrendous. There’s a high mortality rate still within the EU, and that’s even I outside of the under 37 countries, which have made insufficient progress in achieving the SD GS. That’s at least what a UNICEF report refers to on half 1,000,000,000 children, live in countries and grew up in countries where there’s a chronic lack of data. That’s the point, mate, But a previous speaker and I’d like to know what the commission is going to do about it. Thank you. And take your old members for the question. I want to give the floor to the Commissioner. Yes, going for the first question to the rest of them? Yes, indeed, During the seance several decades, the hunger in the world has been on decrease. But unfortunately, during the since 2015 that is a Zeph AO report shows the hunger is on right in spite of the in spite of the really big efforts not only by the European Union but also with the international community toe toe to focus on on foot security and nutrition issues. We have engaged during this current M F F over 8,000,000,000 euros over over food related food related programs, and we really intend Toto continue even even stronger and even more focused together with our partners in NFL and and other other in member states and other countries. Steak orders We do hope that by with a new budget, you budget with increased at least 30% increased overall external action and development actions. This could also be turned into into into higher engagement in food related on nutrition related programs. So therefore definitely the area off food and agriculture will stay high on the on. The priority priority lists off the the sectors where the European Development intervention will contribute to the sustainable development goals. Implementation on repeated Lee uh mentioned needs toe toe strengthen the link between the climate change action and development. Excellent. I would like just to draw your attention to the fact that is I ordered the mentioned We are working now and we shall continue working on Read A member states on their national development plans. They’re integrated development plans for each and every country, but not not in isolation off other off other policy that that really need coherence for development. There for official insists very much on bringing together national meaning our partner countries national development development strategies with their with their national determined contributions toe toe to climate climate change. This is for us an integrated, integrated approach bringing together development commitments and on the climate commitments. Att international international level in general Visual increase our development support toe, toe toe our development partners. We proposed they target off 25% of overall development development actions. Toby Toby Climate climate relevant It’s upto this parliament. It’s up to the member states. It’s up to the commission toe Toto to finalize the targets level 25% might be low. Might be high. I don’t think it’s kiw to the contrary. So So this is This is another area where we have to really to combine our climate and development development world on on a job, renewable energy missile definitely stay committed toe support renewable energy development in across the world. We shall not fund by hour by hour Development corporation project any other source off over of energy of electricity other than than renewable ones. We have so called big bets tohave at least 40,000,000 people Toto, to increase access to energy toe renewable energy for at least 40,000,000 people Toto toe build a tte least 6.5 gigawatts off renewable energy sources and tow decrease by 15,000,000 tons off the 02 emissions by our renewable energy projects by bye bye 2020. So all these old is ah, renewable energy Gold will remain strong in our development policy. I agree that there might be some some off the devil’s hidden in details but But we are ready to work on on on taking them out off any of any hidden agenda when it comes to sustainable renewable energy. And that will definitely stay Attock War of our development, Development action on China. It is a bit of a longer, longer story that that I would like to share with you just briefly. Actually, I would not like toe downplay the road the impact of a cow. What? How China is doing development, contribution, development policy, especially in Africa. But it is a fact that so far still European Union Europe member states and the European Union area by far the biggest development partner for Africa. The biggest investment partner for Africa. The biggest straight partner for Africa, for instance, in investments, we are 40% off the foreign direct investments in Africa. China is at 5%. Still, dodo, this this let us a snapshot. Uh, picture couldn’t should not be taken as approved, that that we are the best and that nothing would change in that area. Therefore, what we have ordered it started in the development dialogue with China is to find a very at least it’s some of the off the pilot programs in the pilot countries to see whether is it possible? Toe, let us say toe have more complimentary development projects in development impact rather than than confrontational. Ah, approach. Toto! Toto, the modalities off doing development projects way are not yet their way. We did not agreed on. We did not agree on concrete at least three pilot countries. But this is this is awake how we would liketo see whether whether we could work more more in compliance and lesson in a competition when it comes to development, development impact, especially in Africa. Yes, on many aspect, digital for development is important and is getting more and more important for our really contribution to development to sustainable development, employment development goals, implementation. Therefore, we have a special great program off bringing more digital into into into our development projects in order, among others, Toto, to enable the better coverage of off single registry across Africa, especially Africa, and on in West Africa. There is already on going strong work on updating and and digital digital realization off serial registers in Invest Africa. So if we proceed along these lines, I think that that this could be, ah, big contribution not only for for a serial register, but also for the technical technological advancement and leapfrogging for for African industries and job creation in the in the in the future. Perfect. Thank you so much, Commissioner, for the answers to the members questions And of course, there are important times now Do you know that the commissioner has to leave the meeting now doesn’t mean that you all have the opportunity. Really? We have more to do here today. But I would like to say to the commissioner that of course, in the parliament down we will prepare ourselves not to see you. And also in New York for the for the summit. But also we need to find our instructor way on how to implement destiny. Jeez, for their own further on. But thank you so much for taking the time. Thank you. Yes, We also at this AA meeting have the pleasure toe also invite further comments from the for the members questions we have Raffaella Mara Pacheco me from the DEA. Climb on. We also have Kristen left is deputy manager Director of E s also attending this meeting. So I will give you the flu now to give further comments that you would like Thio ad to what the Commissioner will today has had any statements. So first I give the floor to ruffle Molly’s patrol. Thank you. Chair in. Good afternoon, everybody. Uh, just one very brief point Which goes to one of the answers that the commissioner Sorry. Sorry. Can you move out? Dead? Some just DJ from DJ climate would like to speak and we need to have a visual. Okay, you know what? There. Now, Okay, A brief point on the development model that we offer in developing countries having the paradigm of developed out development offer is virtually dead. The old parroting walls that we were helping developing countries to develop like us. I think our own development model is backfiring in climate terms. As we know, what we are offering now, however, isn’t entirely proven. And that’s one of the paradoxes of our development policy. In order to strengthen the credibility of our development policy, we need to strengthen the changes in our own economic development model. The example of the renewal was a very good one. If we are now able to persuade developing countries that with our help, they should invest in renewable energy is because we have invested in renewable energies and we have proven that they work at the same time. It’s gonna be very difficult to persuade 800,000,000 off Africans without access to energy, uh, to go straight for renewables on DDE leapfrog forcing fuels if we continue to burn coal. And if we don’t develop renewables more on. We know that our development model will no be changed overnight. We have a plan to change it. We’re now debating how to enhance that plan, but and I’m not suggesting that we should do nothing in developing country until we fix our own house. But we have to be aware that the reason issue on the developing countries do perceive this contradiction on that. May the situation much more difficulty. And we have to be aware of that. Thank you. Then I give the floor to Mr Crystal. Thank you very much. Um, as a building on what model Betty Jonah has just said, which I fully subscribed to, um and maybe in reply to one or two, the remarks the honorable members made I think we’ve come quite a long way already in integrating the sustainable development goals into our policies. Internally, Andi, externally, I can, of course, speak mainly on the external side. No, not externals night. I’d say the the two key frameworks that we have developed one of them very much with the support and guidance off the European Parliament is the consensus for development where the renewal of the consensus a few years ago explicitly based itself on the S T. G’s as the overall policy framework for our future external corporation and the second framework is the U Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy. And that may seem at first somewhat surprising that a document that looks primarily the security and well being of Europe in European citizens, also as a very strong STD focus. But it shouldn’t be surprising because that is, the overall global framework within which we work on is very clear that stability, security and prosperity elsewhere in the world is the best recipe for that security and well being in Europe as well. We’re very glad to see today’s joint session off envy and Debbie, because he reflects in many ways also the so called wedding cake model of the S E Gs, where you see a solid base where you have the biosphere of the climate, environment, the oceans. If we do not look after them, everything else we do, we’ll go to now. So we need to make sure that all our policies, internal and external, in how we cooperate with others around the World, Impure Corporation or in Development Corporation that they support our objectives on climate change. A cz well, that is why, in the proposals on the new financial framework for the external Corporation instrument, we put a strong emphasis on the climate goals as a target for that assistance. And it’s bean, I should say, a pleasant surprise to us in the institutions that both is part of been on. The counts of the member states have wanted have indicated that they want to go even further in strengthening that climate dimension of our extended corporation, um, to accompany these efforts and in very close cooperation with, um our colleagues in DJ environment. Sorry, DJ climate change environment and climate change, for that matter in the commission we have developed over the last few years an active climate diplomacy plan, an action plan that we then work with member states to implement. We’re now in the fourth generation of that to make sure that we reach out to partners around the world before and after every annual cop meeting on climate change, to see how we can further the objectives off the Paris agreement and make sure that we integrate them in our corporation with these partners. That’s why we also put a lot of emphasis on the strengthening off the U. N. System, the U. N. Development system on developing finals in the U in context as essential elements to make sure that through our corporation, we can achieve the ambitious targets that were set in the Paris agreement. Thank you. Thank you so much for that statement. And I don’t see any hands with further questions. And then I really, uh, what you should you should do the conclusion way have to keep the cooperation between the committee’s now. So we will have some conclusion now from the embassy, and then I will end the meeting. Thank you very much for me. It was all fine that you would take the ride home now. So no, I think the only thing that I can say is that we really need Thio. Keep up this progress and that’s especially The summit in New York is going to be your vital importance. And we know that there will be a delegation going today and it will be done. Consider the meeting off the delegation at the beginning of September, and I think it’s going to be very important to make sure that in New York we are going to take the next steps in this process. And I think something that also Mary McGinnis was reminding ourselves off again and again. The sustainable development goals are not only for developing countries, but they are also for ourselves. And I think that it’s something that we have to keep on reminding ourselves because sometimes it’s too easy to look to the outside, whereas there’s a lot of homework also for the European Union and its member states to be done. And that’s also why we are pushing so much the implementation of STD. She’s also within the U, and with that, I can only say from an envy perspective. I know that my David colleagues still need to have meetings. Also tomorrow I can say that my envy colleagues close their meeting and we will reconvene as envy in September again, the fourth off September Perfect. So let me remind the members of Devin we see each other at nine o’clock tomorrow. We’re a very packed agenda to the colleagues of entry. Enjoy your summer break and then we have this meeting. Thank you