Fishing Corporate Welfare Programme – How Much Do Taxpayers Pay for Europe’s Distant Water Fleet

Europe spends a lot of money each year to pay for fishing boats to fish in third countries waters.

A Few 100 million € Here, A Few 100 million  €  There

Looking at the available public information, it seems just a few hundred boats are pocketing 100’s of millions in access subsidies. Add in the boat building and modernization grants we are perhaps looking at billions of euros having gone to bank roll a tragic case of European corporate welfare.

New Voices on the Fishing Committee

Now  the basic role of a Parliamentarian is to know where the public’s money – hard working families across Europe – is spent.

The fishing committee does not have a great track record of doing this basic job. Listening to them in public debate, their main interest seems to be getting ever larger bots of the subsidy pie channeled to their allies in the fishing industry.


This all is carried out in basic secrecy. Chris Davies, the UK Liberal-Democrat, recently asked to know some basic information about who fishes under fishing partnership agreements  and how much money the taxpayers dole out to them. The Commission gave an answer that can be either read as cry for help or cry of staggering incompetence that they had little clue what was going in Member States.


You can find the question and answer here:


Today, I asked for the information. It will be interesting what chapters of Franz Kafka’s The Trial Commission officials feel inspired to recite in their reasons to hide the hidden billions of euros paid to a few rich fishing boat owners.

Dear European Commission

Subject: Request for Access to Information – EU Vessels Who Fish Under the EU’s Fishing Partnership Agreement

Could you please inform me

·         How many  EU vessels fish under each EU fishing partnership agreement

·         How much each vessel received in EU and member state subsidies; or the total amount of subsidies provided for the group of vessels fishing under each agreement.·         The annual cost for each separate  fishing partnership agreement

·         If possible, could you identify the vessel number of each vessels fishing under fishing partnership agreements and how much the EU taxpayer has given them

  •          How many vessels  from EU member states fishing in third country waters under bi-lateral fishing agreements.

As recently as 1996, DG MARE had a database with this information on.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Kind regards
Aaron McLoughlin

Sunshine is a great detergent

Now, of course, it will be interesting to see how the Ombudsman or Court reacts to the Commission’s flaccid reasons and reasoning.