An age old toolbox for a lobbyist

I find some of the toolbox of the modern lobbyist  to be, at best,  confusing.

There are too many political advertisements on my linkedin and twitter feed that would make a snake oil salesman blush with embarrassment.

There appears to be  a constant rush to invent, or  pass off as invention, new ways of ‘communication’ and ‘political persuasion’.

An old toolbox

Edward Bernays would be amused. Many of his techniques are re-used today.

A lobbyist would be well placed to double down on the fundamentals before add new toolboxes.  I think the basics are simple:

  1. A lobbyist needs to communicate clearly, concisely and persuasively. The greater challenge is to get their client to do this.
  2. Meet the right person, at the right  place  and time. And, at that precise moment have something clear and constructive to say.
  3. Recognise that civility and human decency are not out dated.
  4. Read a room in under 30 seconds.
  5. Know the mechanics of adopting and passing laws and decisions in a real way. Book knowledge is not enough.