Fishing For Subsidies – French Style

What Party Are You In Mr Cadec?

Alain Cadec is a French conservative MEP from Brittany.

If you ever listen to his speeches on the reform of the EU fisheries regime,  for which he is writing the fisheries Committee’s report on subsidies, you’ll  spend the first few minutes wondering if he is fact a French Communist, who has dressed in a suit for the day,  and  by accident sat down in the wrong seat.

Why is he not a Communist?

Mr Cadec makes the most wild eyed marxist seem like an apologist for global capitalism. Indeed, he must be under the impression, what with all the tens of billions being thrown around in Europe to bail out bankrupt countries and banking systems, he should be able to get his hands on it for some of french fishermen.

His speeches sound more in line with genuine communists in the fisheries committee (yes, they exist).


Give Me Your Money

Mr Cadec wants a return to the CFP of 1983. He wants a return to taxpayers not only building and modernizing fishing vessels, but he wants taxpayers to pay for the same vessels to be scrapped with taxpayers money.

The idea that fishermen should build and upgrade their own boats at their own expense seems a novel idea.

Where Are The Conservative Voices of Opposition?

The tragic comedy of it is that German Christian Democrats on the Fishing Committee don’t seem to mind and are likely to support their french “conservative” hair brained ideas of pouring billions of taxpayers euros into the sea.

Other People’s Money

I can only guess that Mr Cadec and his Spanish, German and Italian allies watched this movie from the UK’s Taxpayer Alliance and thought it was really a very good idea.
