should you eat north sea cod?


An interesting spat between the UK Seafish and Marine Wildlife Conservation Society (MCS) being reported in the excellent fishing news.

MCS are recommending UK customers don’t eat North Sea cod. Sea fish, the UK agency tasked with promoting the industry, say the advice is wrong.

What does the picture say?

I thought the scientific advice from ICES would be worth having a look at.
It is true the stocks are improving (from a historically low level).

But, as these charts suggest things are not a rosy as people would have you think.

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The truth is the UK customers get nearly all their cod from Icelandic and Norwegian fisheries. These stocks are in a good state. Their cod is more mature and tastier.

The Laws Of Nature Can’t Be Beaten

If the quota and supply for North Sea cod goes up,the price that the fishermen is likely to go down. You can’t beat the laws of supply and demand.